Become a governor

The majority of governors who sit on our Council of Governors are elected by members to represent patients, staff and the general public. We hold elections each year, and members vote for governors within their constituency.

Elections are run by an external polling company and members receive ballot papers and information by email or post when an election takes place. To be ready to cast your vote or stand for election, make sure you've signed up as a member.

Interested in becoming a governor?

We are currently looking for four new governors to represent people living in our Southern constituency – Exeter, Teignbridge, Torbay, South Hams and Plymouth.

If you are interested in nominating yourself, these resources will help you learn more about the governor role.

  • Becoming a governor information booklet
  • FAQs
  • Join our information webinar on Thursday 13 February 2025, 4.30pm-5.30pm. You can find out more about the role, hear from some of the current governors, and ask any questions. Book your place here.
  • Watch this video featuring current and former public governors who talk about their experience of the role and top tips


If you have any questions about the governor role, please email the engagement team at or call 01392 403977.

2025 by-election vacancies

There are four posts included in this election - please click here to see our Notice of Election. All vacant posts are for public governors in our Southern constituency. To nominate yourself you must live in Exeter, Teignbridge, Torbay, South Hams or Plymouth. Check our map to see if you are eligible.

  • 2 posts for terms of three years
  • 2 posts for terms of two years

If you wish to stand for election as a public governor you will need to become a member if you are not already. It’s quick and easy to apply.

How to nominate yourself

This election is being run by an external polling company Mi-Voice (Democracy Technology Ltd).

Nominations open on Wednesday 5 February and close at 5pm on Friday 28 February.

If you have any questions regarding the election process, require technical assistance, or would like the nomination form in a different format, please contact Mi-Voice Support

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 02380 763987
  • Text: 07800 005280
  • Post: Mi-Voice, First Floor, The Arch Building, Gaters Mill, Mansbridge Road, Swaything, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 3HW

If we receive more nominations than the number of posts available, a vote amongst our Southern constituency members will open on Monday 17 March and close at 5pm on Wednesday 9 April.

On Thursday 10 April, results will be announced and those who are successfully elected to a post on the Council of Governors will take up their role.

2024 elections

Voting closed in our election to the Council of Governors on Monday 16 September 2024, with results declared on Tuesday 17 September 2024. See here for our Notice of Electionour Statement of Nominations and our Notice of Poll.

The results were as follows:

Public - Northern constituency

Avril Stone was re-elected for a term of 3 years and Catherine Bearfield re-elected for a term of 1 year. Eugene Peter Clarke and Lucy Beazley were both newly elected for terms of 3 years and Mark Wooding was newly elected for a term of 2 years. The turnout was 8.1%.

Staff constituency

Clare Stevens was re-elected for a term of 3 years. Will Aspinall was newly elected for a term of 3 years and Nicola Mitchell newly elected for a term of 1 year. The turnout was 8.6%.

The full report of voting results can be read here - Royal Devon Election Of Governors September 2024 Results

We had uncontested elections in our other two Public constituencies:

Public - Eastern constituency

Fred Caygill was newly elected for a term of 3 years, with Peter Evans and Sarah Hughes newly elected for terms of 2 years. As there were 3 candidates for 3 posts, the terms of office for each candidate was decided by the drawing of lots. This was undertaken by Mi-Voice, the election services company acting as our Returning Officer.

Public - Southern constituency

Tim Pavelle was newly elected for a term of 3 years. 5 vacancies remain.

All the Governors start their new terms of office at our Annual Members Meeting on Tuesday 1 October 2024.

2023 elections

Election results

Voting closed in our election to the Council of Governors on Tuesday 12 September 2023, with results declared on Wednesday 13 September 2023.  The results were as follows:

Public - Eastern constituency

Heather Penwarden and Kay Foster were both re-elected for terms of 3 years, with Nigel Richards newly elected for a term of 2 years.  The turnout was 15.8%.

Public - Northern constituency

Quentin Cox and Sue Matthews were elected for terms of 3 years; Avril Stone and Brenda Pedroni were elected for terms of 1 year.  The turnout was 16.3%.

Please note that following the resignation of Bob Deed in August 2023, the Council of Governors took the decision under the Royal Devon’s Constitution to include the remaining one year of his term in this election.  The number of posts in the Northern constituency therefore increased from three to four and the candidate receiving the fourth highest number of votes from the constituency members was duly elected for a term of one year.

Staff constituency

Simon Leepile was re-elected for a term of 3 years; Naomi Hallet and Zoe Harris were elected for terms of 3 years, with Clare Stevens and Emily Partridge elected for terms of 1 year. The turnout was 10.7%

There were no candidates in the election in the Public – Southern constituency and six vacancies remained.

The full Report of Voting can be downloaded here. All the Governors started their terms on Wednesday 27 September 2023 at our Annual Members Meeting.

2022 elections

Governor elections 2022

This year sees our first election to the Council of Governors since becoming the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, following the merger of the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust.

Election Results - November 2022

Voting closed in our election to the Council of Governors on Friday 18 November 2022, with results declared on Monday 21 November 2022.  See here for the Notice of Election and our Notice of Poll

The results are as follows:

Public - Eastern constituency

Maurice Dunster elected for a term of two years.  The turnout was 18.9%.

Staff constituency

Tom Reynolds and Jayne Westcott elected for terms of three years.  Lydia Balsdon and Catherine Bragg elected for terms of two years.  Nicky Stapleton and Cathleen Tomlin elected for terms of one year.  The turnout was 9.9%.

Tom and Jayne both met the ‘Employment Condition’ laid out in our Constitution, in that their previous primary employment had been with Northern Devon Healthcare Trust.  They were therefore treated as if they received one more vote than the highest polling candidate, which meant they received the terms of three years.  The next four highest polling candidates were also elected.  The ‘Employment Condition’ was introduced into our Constitution for this first election as the Royal Devon to ensure representation from our Northern Services’ colleagues on the Council of Governors.

The full Report of Voting can be downloaded here.  All newly elected Governors started their terms on Monday 21 November 2022.

There was an uncontested election in our Public – Northern constituency.  Bob Deed was elected for two years and Ryan Balment for one year, following the drawing of lots by CIVICA, the election services company.  Unfortunately Mr Balment was unable to take up his post on 21 November 2022 for personal reasons and a vacancy therefore remains.

There were no candidates in the election in the Public – Southern constituency and three vacancies remain.

If you have any queries about the election, or about being a member or a Governor, please contact the Royal Devon Membership Team at:

2021 elections

Voting in the elections to the Council of Governors closed at 5pm on 21 September 2021 and we can now declare the results as follows:

East Devon Dorset Somerset & Rest of England3 to elect, all for terms of two years

  • Kay Foster and Barbara Sweeney re-elected
  • Heather Penwarden newly elected
  • Current Governor Bob Maskell was not re-elected
  • Turnout was 23.48%

Mid North West Devon & Cornwall2 to elect

  • James Bradley re-elected for a term of three years
  • Annie Adcock newly elected for a term of two years
  • Current Governor Marcus Pipe was not re-elected
  • Turnout was 20.17%

Staff4 to elect

  • Anum Shuja re-elected for a term of three years
  • Hazel Hedicker re-elected for a term of two years
  • Mascia Checconi and Simon Leepile newly elected for terms of two years
  • Current Governors Catherine Geddes and Dominic Hazell were not re-elected
  • Turnout was 10.27%

The full report of voting is available to download. Terms of office start and end at our Annual Members Meeting on 29 September 2021.

In the Exeter & South Devon constituency, we had three candidates for three posts and therefore all three candidates are elected uncontested. The uncontested election report is available to download.

Thank you to all our candidates and to all our members who voted.

2020 elections

In March 2020, NHS England and Improvement contacted all Foundation Trusts to propose changes in order to reduce the burden of reporting and to free up senior capacity to prioritise the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In light of this direction and taking into account the need to focus on managing COVID-19, the Council of Governors proposed some temporary changes to the Constitution at an extraordinary meeting in April 2020. The RD&E Board has subsequently approved the proposed changes to the Constitution to ensure business continuity, maintain good governance, and to pay heed to ongoing Government guidance on social distancing and avoiding non-essential travel. The changes approved by the RD&E Board were:

  • To remove the need for routine Council of Governor elections in 2020.
  • To offer those Governors whose terms of office come to an end in September 2020 an extension to September 2021. The proposal is being made in order to maintain the status quo of the Council and to not disadvantage those Governors whose term of office is due to end in September 2020.

The Governors who have had their terms extended in line with these changes are:

  • Kay Foster (East Devon, Dorset and Somerset and Rest of England)
  • Bob Maskell (East Devon, Dorset and Somerset and Rest of England)
  • Barbara Sweeney (East Devon, Dorset and Somerset and Rest of England)
  • Tony Ducker (Exeter & South Devon)
  • Marcus Pipe (Mid, North, West Devon & Cornwall)
  • Dominic Hazell (Staff)
  • Hazel Hedicker (Staff)
  • Anum Shuja (Staff)

At its extraordinary meeting in April 2020, the Council of Governors agreed that a plan would be developed to ensure that annual elections are maintained from 2021 onwards bearing in mind the need to retain the balance of the different categories of Governors on the Council (as set out as requirements in the Constitution).