Appointed Governors

Councillor Ian Hall

Councillor Ian Hall

Councillor Ian Hall is one of two appointed governors and represents Devon County Council (DCC), appointed in June 2021 for a three-year term.

As a district and county councillor for his hometown of Axminster and its surrounding parishes, Ian has a deep passion for improving public services in both the local community and Devon as a whole. Ian believes that if we put the physical and mental health of individuals at the heart of public services then we will provide more resilient and prosperous communities. During his time as an elected member, he has been designated as a mental health champion for DCC and pushed hard for protections against the most vulnerable in society. Ian is the Axminster Skatepark Chair, 2016 – present, previously held the role of chair of Devon County Council May 2022 – May 2023, and his civic themes are diversity/inclusivity/equality and mental health and Joint Chair of the One Eastern Devon Partnership Forum.

Ian looks forward to supporting the work of a trust that has so kindly helped personal relations in the past.

Professor Angela Shore

Professor Angela Shore

Angela is one of two appointed governors and represents the University of Exeter, appointed in 2016 and renewed in 2019 for a three-year term and again in 2022.

Angela is Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences and was Vice Dean Research at the University of Exeter Medical School until 2019. Angela is principal investigator of a large team of scientists and clinicians in vascular medicine. She co-leads the Exeter Centre for Excellence in Diabetes Research with Andrew Hattersley. As Director of the Exeter NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) Clinical Research Facility she facilitates experimental medicine research for the Royal Devon/University of Exeter Medical School collaboration. Angela is currently chair of the Diabetes and Wellness Foundation project and fellowship committees. Angela was president of the British Microcirculation Society 2017-2020 and treasurer for the European Society for microcirculation for over 10 years. She was a member of the International Liaison Committee for World Microcirculation Research until 2024.