Find a book or e-book

Find a book or e-book

The Libraries in North and East have stock of thousands of books across a broad variety of healthcare topics and specialities. These have been carefully selected by our library teams, with recommendations and support from clinical and non-clinical subject matter experts to make sure we are able to offer you the most appropriate and relevant books for your speciality or role.

We also provide access to the collections of other healthcare libraries within our region. Please visit our catalogue to check for title availability.

We also welcome your suggestions for titles that could be purchased. The decision to purchase a copy of a title is reserved to the library teams. Each title is reviewed in line with the Library Collection Development Policy.

dark blue square image with the Reading Agency logo in the top left corner . Congratulations is in top right corner with a starburst of fireworks behind. There is a cartoon image of a stack of books below this and the words you solved the riddle to the right of the image. In the bottom right corner is the world book night logo


SWIMS is our library catalogue that is shared by all NHS libraries across the South and West of England. SWIMS enables you to search for books and other items held at your local NHS library, see items held by other NHS libraries in the region, and to view and renew your loans online.

Read more about our library catalogue here

Before you can borrow books, you need to register for a library account 


Click here for further information about our available e-books.

To access electronic books you will need to have an NHS Open Athens account associated with the Trust. If you don't have an account please register by clicking HERE.

Last updated: March 18, 2024


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