Celebrating one year of the Discharge Lounge
9 Aug 2022
We’re celebrating one year of Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital’s Discharge Lounge, helping us to make space for new patients on our wards while making things more convenient and comfortable for patients who are ready to head home.
Situated near our Wonford site’s main entrance, it’s a tranquil space with seating, snacks, registered nurse support, and an outdoor area for our patients to relax before heading home.
Since opening on 4 August 2021, the Discharge Lounge has:
- seen 5,854 patients – with 249 open days, that’s 24 patients per day!
- received 34% of patients before midday, creating valuable space at the start of each day.
- saved 9,561 ward hours, which is 1 hour and 38 minutes per patient.
Our registered nurses check that correct medication has been administered, transport has been arranged, and family, friends, or carers have been contacted. And, because it’s so close to the main entrance, it’s been incredibly convenient for quick pick-ups – no need for a parking space!
Feedback from patients has been incredibly positive, with one person saying: ‘It’s a good system for freeing-up beds, and I’m happy to be off the ward with a cup of tea and a biscuit. It prepares you for the real world again if you’ve been in the hospital for some time.’