We are currently looking at options for a future patient entertainment system on inpatient wards at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) and North Devon District Hospital.
To help inform these options, we would like to understand what patients and carers think about what’s currently offered, and what’s important to you when thinking about a future system.
The current system is available via a unit at the patient’s bedside, offering: free outgoing phone calls (time-limited), a period of free TV each day, and paid TV. We would really like to hear from people who:
Have recently been an inpatient at either of the above hospitals
Are a carer of someone who has been an adult inpatient at either of the above hospitals, or parent of a child
We would like to hear from patients and carers even if you didn’t use the system, as we would like to understand why you didn’t.
Share feedback anonymously by completing this short survey. The survey closes on Wednesday 25 January 2023.