Text message check-ins for patients on waiting lists

If you’re on a waiting list for an appointment or hospital procedure, you might receive a text message from +44 7860 039 092. Please don’t ignore this message - it is from our team who are working with DrDoctor to keep your information up to date.

The text message contains a link to a secure portal where there are some questions we’d like to ask you. Please do not reply directly to the text message.

Your response will help us to update our records and manage our overall waiting lists more effectively.

If you’ve received a text message about patient initiated follow up (PIFU), you can find out more here: www.royaldevon.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/patient-initiated-follow-ups-pifu

Key Information

  • Text messages will be sent by the Hospital via Dr Doctor. The text message will come from the number 07860 039 092. This number cannot receive replies or calls, so please don't respond to this number.

  • If you have a future appointment or procedure booked, it will remain booked

  • We will not make any changes to your waiting list status unless we hear from you

  • Please respond as directed; any additional comments in your response will not be reviewed by a clinician

  • If you have a worsening medical problem or concern with an existing condition, and are unsure what to do, please contact your usual healthcare provider (e.g. your GP or NHS 111) directly


I have a new mobile number – can I update it?

Yes, you can update your contact details at any time in your patient details in one of the following ways:

  • Log into your MY CARE account and amend your contact details
  • Contact your care team by calling the number on your appointment letter to change or cancel your appointment.

I am on a waiting list, but have not received this text. Why is this?

It may be that your contact details are not up-to-date or we don't have a mobile number for you. You can check your contact details using the steps above.

Only patients referred for a consultant led appointment or treatment will receive a text message. If you are awaiting care from a nurse or allied health professional, then you won't receive a text message check-in.

What happens if I do not complete the questionnaire?

You will remain on the waiting list for an appointment or procedure. If you have a future appointment or procedure booked, it will remain booked.

Is my information safe?

Yes. Please visit my.drdoctor.co.uk/privacy for more information about how we store and use your data.

How can I stop receiving these text messages?

Reply ‘STOP’ or change your contact preferences at any time on DrDoctor.

What do I do if I am on more than one waiting list and am not sure which one the text message relates to?

If you are unsure, then please contact one of the following teams, who will be able to check and update the system for you:

I am a rheumatology patient and have additional questions about PIFU and/or the message I have received, who can I contact?

You can contact our rheumatology department for further clarification, their contact number is 01271 311571.