Balance service

Balance problems can arise when there is a problem with your vestibular system (balance organ). This is located in the inner ear, and signals from the vestibular system are sent to the brain along with information from the eyes, muscles and joints. This helps us understand the position our body is in and maintains our balance. 

If there is an issue, you may feel lightheaded, unsteady, faint or like you are spinning (vertigo). 

This can be caused by problems such as ear infections, vestibular disorders, injuries, aging, disease, neck problems and certain drugs. Your GP may refer you to our balance service if it is likely your symptoms are caused by the vestibular organ within the inner ear.

More about us

Balance appointments can either be made through GP referral or from correspondence between the Ear, Nose and Throat department and Audiology. We aim to find out the cause of your balance problems. 

We'll take a detailed history of your balance problems, and then carry out appropriate tests. This could include:

  • Hearing assessment
  • Video Nystagmography
  • Video head impulse testing
  • Rotational Chair
  • Caloric Irrigation
  • Posturography
  • Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre

You can find out more information about these by visiting 

Depending on your test results, you can be given exercises to help with your rehabilitation.
A review is then booked for three to six weeks after your appointment to check your progress.

Inner Ear Balance Home Exercises to Treat Dizziness

Lempert (BBQ) Maneuver to Treat BPPV Vertigo

Dix Hallpike to Diagnose BPPV Dizziness

Epley Maneuver to Treat BPPV Vertigo