Community Rehabilitation service

The Community Rehabilitation Team (CRT) sits within the integrated Health and Social Care Team. CRT is a multidisciplinary team which can include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, community rehabilitation nurses and rehabilitation support workers.
They work closely with other community services such as the community nurses and community matron, Social Care, your GP and voluntary organisations as required.
The aim of the team is to ensure you remain in control of your health and well-being and retain as much independence as possible. You may start with support from the CRT, but they may also offer advice on self-directed exercise or local community groups you can join who can support your ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

What support is available?

Each patient is allocated a contact person in the team who will coordinate your rehabilitation programme. You will have an initial assessment with the most appropriate professional dependent on the reason for referral, and a treatment plan will be developed with involvement from yourself and /or family and carer as appropriate to enable you to achieve your goals.
Once your care plan has been agreed you may also be seen by other members of the team as appropriate.


The physiotherapist can offer advice and exercises to help you to improve your strength, coordination, joint mobility and balance to support your mobility and enable you to carry out daily activities. They can also offer advice about equipment and exercises to help you mobilise within your home or outdoors to maintain your independence. They work closely with voluntary services to find appropriate community exercise and support groups you can join once discharged from the Physiotherapist service which can continue to support your health and wellbeing. 

Occupational Therapist

The occupational therapist can offer advice and/or treatment to help you become more independent in your everyday tasks such as personal care and meal preparation. This may include practising different approaches to tasks and advising on suitable equipment that will help you maintain your independence. They can also offer advice to carers on how best to support you at home with your care and mobility needs, and can complete assessments for equipment which can help both you and the carer manage at home.

They can also help with any other cognitive difficulties you may be experiencing, offering advice on compensatory strategies to support memory loss, the effects of a stroke or dementia or referring to services and community groups that can offer further support to you and your family or carer.

Speech and Language Therapist

The speech and language therapist can assess communication, memory and/or swallowing problems and offer practical tips, strategies and exercises to help to overcome some of these difficulties.

Rehabilitation Support Workers

Support Workers work with the professionals in the team, and are skilled at providing support for people following acute illness, or a decline in their long-term condition to achieve your rehabilitation goals. This can be managed within your own home or alternative community setting. 

Clinicians and other specialists

We work as part of a large group of multidisciplinary teams and can refer you for further services and assessments with them if needed. This includes referral to relevant professionals who may recommend medical assessments, diagnostic tests or other helpful services. 
The team is able to provide advice, referrals and other services if you are diagnosed with conditions such as:
  • Falls
  • Mobility and joint problems
  • Neurological conditions
  • Strokes and other brain injuries
  • Continence problems
  • Recovery from trauma or surgery
  • Osteoporosis

Falls prevention

Falls and accidents are more common as people get older and many older people experience them each year. Remember that accepting small changes may help you to avoid a fall and keep safe. Sometimes a fall can affect your confidence and make you afraid of falling again.

If you do have a fall or have a fear of falling it is good to discuss this with a relative, carer or another health professional as they may be able to help you reduce your risk of having another fall. Your GP may also be able to refer you to a falls group to help you regain your strength and balance.

Steady on your feet

Steady On Your Feet is a campaign led by the NHS and local authorities to help increase confidence and reduce the risk of falls. Our advice, guidance and resources are designed for anyone worried about feeling unsteady on their feet. They aim to equip people with simple tips to stay active, independent and safe during everyday activities.

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Steady on your feet

Strength and Balance Exercise Groups External to the NHS

Details of evidence-based postural stability classes are available from the steady on your feet website. People can self-refer by calling the provider. There are close links between the community rehabilitation teams and the external classes to ensure people are appropriate. General guidance is that people need to be able to;
  • Walk with no physical assistance but can use a walking aid
  • Get up from a low-ish chair/toilet without assistance, it is okay if they find this difficult.
  • Follow instructions

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How to be referred

You can self-refer by calling the provider in your local area or be referred by a healthcare professional or your GP.