Eastern services

Our diabetes team routinely see patients living with type 1 diabetes, where the pancreas produces little or no insulin. We also see some patients with more complex type 2 diabetes. Most type 2 diabetes is managed by your GP.

Contact information

Clinic reception

Telephone: 01392 403846

Use this number if you have already attended our clinic, and have queries about a new or a follow-up appointment. This number can also be used for general enquiries, but first please check below for the number you require.

Diabetes specialist nurse

The Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) Service is available for general advice and support between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays). At weekends, for urgent clinical advice, there is a service from 9am-1pm.

Telephone: 01392 411611 and ask for the “operator” who will put your call through directly to the DSN on call for that day. Please leave a message with your name, telephone number and a brief description of your query. You may need to wait a short while for a callback if the DSN is already on another call.

Do not hesitate to phone if you are feeling ill and are concerned about your blood sugars. For routine enquiries, please try to phone during normal working hours.

Endocrine specialist nurse

Telephone: 01392 402847 / 01392 403835

Messages are checked once every working-week day. Please be sure to leave your name and telephone number, and suggest times for us to call back.

Specialist dietitians

General dietetic secretary: 01392 403830 - for most enquiries, including diabetes-related queries.

Obesity dietitians secretary: 01392 402294 - for patients who are attending our obesity clinic.

Specialist diabetes podiatry clinic

Telephone: 01392 402204

We are happy to take calls who already attend our diabetic foot clinic. New patients must be referred by their GP, practice nurse or community podiatrist.

Diabetes education organiser

Telephone: 01392 403830

Use this number if you have been referred for T1DE, ERICA or BERTIE course and have a query.

Information for healthcare professionals

We have a dedicated section for Healthcare Professionals that includes referral information, guidance and further information including the Exeter Diabetes handbook.

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