Termination of pregnancy

Termination of pregnancy (abortion) is a treatment to end an early pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.

We understand how difficult making the decision to terminate your pregnancy can be, which is why we will ask you to make an appointment with us to talk about your decision and what options are available to you. 

Accessing our Eastern services (Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Wonford)

We can't accept self-referrals to this service, but you can be referred to us via your GP or your local family planning service. 

When attending the clinic, you will be seen by one of our team nursing staff who will take some details. You will then have an ultrasound scan to determine your gestation (how far along the pregnancy is).

One of our clinical nurse specialists will then talk to you about the options available.

Women requesting Termination of pregnancy up to 16 weeks' gestation are seen in the clinic, otherwise, referral to British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is advised.

There are two nurse-led clinics per week for consultation, where patients are counselled, consented and given a choice (where applicable) for medical or surgical procedures.

Contact us

  • Counsellors - 01392 406678
  • Wynard Ward - 01392 406512
  • Clinic 2 Co-ordinator - 01392 406503

Where to find us

We are based at Clinic 2, The Centre for Women's Health, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)

We have a women’s health counselling service.

They can be contacted on 01392 406678 or rde-tr.cwhcounsellors@nhs.net

There is an answerphone but leave a message and your call will be returned.

Accessing Northern services (North Devon District Hospital)

We can't accept self-referrals to this service, but you can be referred to us via your GP or your local family planning service. You will be given the next available appointment, but if there is a long waiting list it may be possible to refer you to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) for an earlier appointment.

When attending the clinic, you will be seen by one of our team nursing staff who will take some details. You will then have an ultrasound scan to determine your gestation (how far along the pregnancy is).

One of our clinical nurse specialists will then talk to you about the options available.

Contact us

You can contact us via the main switchboard 01271 322577 who can connect you to us. 

Where to find us

Petter Day Unit, Ladywell Unit, North Devon District Hospital.

Other ways to access this service

Devon Sexual Health

The Devon Sexual Health website has lots of useful information related to termination of pregnancy. You can find out more about how to access services and support, as well as information about treatment options. 


Marie Stopes

Alternatively, you can self-refer to Marie Stopes. If you are registered with a GP locally, you will not be charged. The advantage of going to Marie Stopes is that you can often get seen quite quickly. For more information, visit their website www.mariestopes.org.uk or call 0345 300 8090.

Important information

If you are under 16 years of old, we usually do not need to notify your parents.

Please note that information about an abortion doesn't go on your medical record.