Community maternity services

Community maternity services

We have community teams that will provide all of your Antenatal appointments and visit you postnatally.  During your pregnancy, your community midwife will see you regularly to make sure you and your baby are well.

Eastern Services

You can be referred to our service by contacting the community team linked to your GP surgery. 

Northern services

You can be referred to our service by contacting us to request a booking appointment. We also accept self-referrals via our online form. Please answer all relevant questions and give as much detail as possible so we can understand your individual needs. 

Once your form has been submitted you will receive an instant automated email reply to notify you that your form has been received by the maternity bookings department.

Please allow 14 days for your booking appointment to be made.

Remember to check your spam/junk folder and if you haven't received a reply from us within the 14 days specified, please call the Maternity Booking Department on 01271 341500.

Community midwife

We have community teams that will provide all of your Antenatal appointments and visit you postnatally. During your pregnancy, your community midwife will see you regularly to make sure you and your baby are well.

Eastern Services

To book your initial appointment with your Community Midwife please phone the Midwife Team below.

Eastern Maternity contacts

Northern services

Welcome to North Devon Maternity Services. To enable us to provide you with the best possible care for you and your baby please could you complete the maternity self-referral form.

In order for us to understand your individual needs, please answer all relevant questions giving as much detail when stated.

Once your form has been submitted you will receive an instant automated email reply to notify you that your form has been received by the maternity bookings department.

Please allow 14 days for your booking appointment to be made.

Please ensure to check your junk mail box and if you haven't received a reply from us within the 14 days specified, please call the Maternity Booking Department on 01271 341500

Click here

Your first appointment

Your first appointment is to obtain a thorough medical, social and pregnancy history to enable us to provide the best personalised care for you during your pregnancy.

These antenatal checks will be offered;

  • Blood tests for iron levels, sickle cell and thalassaemia, blood group and infectious diseases
  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Urine Sample to check for infections
  • Height and Weight to calculate your BMI
  • CO monitoring

Your Midwife will discuss the options available to you for screening throughout the pregnancy and the ultrasound scans you will be offered.

You will be given the opportunity to ask your Midwife questions and she will discuss the personalisation journal which can be used to capture your thoughts and feelings and have conversations about this throughout your pregnancy.

At your routine midwifery appointments, you will be offered various assessments to check you and your baby’s wellbeing. This may include a blood pressure check, urine testing, carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring and a general health and wellbeing check of you and your baby. Your Midwife will discuss the appointments you will have during your pregnancy journey at your first appointment.

Personalisation journal

Last updated: June 17, 2024.