Meet our team

Meet our team

We have a large team at both sites that includes Consultant Obstetricians, Doctors, Midwives, Nursing Associates, Maternity Healthcare Support Workers and other support colleagues. We work together to create a positive experience for all the families we care for. We also have an excellent team based out in the community who provide our services closer to home.

Every pregnancy is different, and sometimes people will need specialist care for themselves or their babies. We provide a wide range of specialist services including tailored care and advice for:

  • Screening
  • Diabetes
  • Medical conditions
  • Birth choices
  • Birth after caesarean sections
  • Immunisations
  • Twins, triplets and other multiple pregnancies

Meeting your Midwives

Our team of midwives provide individualised care throughout all stages of your pregnancy, birth, and during the postnatal period. We understand how important it is to develop trusting relationships with your care team, so when it is possible, you will see the same midwives throughout your journey. Sometimes you may see other healthcare professionals.

How do I know who is who?

Your Midwife, Doctor, or Healthcare Professional will introduce themselves and their role to you when you meet them, whether this is at an antenatal appointment, on labour ward, or on the postnatal ward. 

We wear different coloured uniforms to help you recognise the different professionals involved in your care. 

  • Healthcare Support Workers and Maternity Support Workers wear pale blue or pink uniforms
  • Student Nurses will usually wear a specific uniform depending on which University they attend 
  • Midwives wear purple uniforms
  • Senior Midwives will usually wear dark blue or red uniforms
  • Sonographers wear red uniforms
  • Ward Clerks wear black or bright pink uniforms
  • Doctors and Anaesthetists usually wear green or blue uniforms when on clinical duties. During clinic, your Doctor or consultant may be wearing normal clothes

When might I see a Doctor or Consultant?

Doctors and Obstetric Consultants might be involved in your care at any point of your pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.

This include antenatal clinics, specialist clinics, labour ward and postnatal care. We make sure every family receives personalised support.