Neonatal Care North (Special Care)

Special care for babies is provided in our Special Care Unit (SCU). Having a baby in special care is a worrying time for parents but we are here to make sure you and your family is well looked after.

Our highly-qualified and dedicated team provide compassionate care with the support of state-of-the-art technology. We will make sure you receive all the information, communication and support you need throughout your time with us.


More about us

Our level one unit is part of the South West Neonatal Network. We have 8 cot spaces, 2 of which are high dependency spaces. We can admit and care for babies 32 weeks gestation and above. If a baby is born very sick they may be transferred out to another unit in the region depending on their condition.


Take a tour of the unit


Admissions Unit

isolation room

Isolation room

special care nursery

Special Care Nursery

Layout of the unit

SCBU map


Where to find us

You can find the SCU on level 2 in the Ladywell Unit next to Caroline Thorpe (The Children’s Ward).

SCU is along the corridor on the right by the first orange square on the floor. Please ring this Bell and wait again for a second identity check.

Special Care Unit
Northern Devon District Hospital
Raleigh Park
EX31 4JB

The South West Neonatal Network

The South West Operational Delivery Neonatal Network ensures the delivery of the highest standard of Neonatal Care services across the South West that are centred on the infant and delivered in partnership with parents and families.

This network is made up of 12 units that care for newborn babies.

  • Derriford Hospital, Plymouth
  • Gloucester Royal Hospital
  • Great Western Hospital, Swindon
  • Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton
  • North Devon District Hosptial, Barnstaple
  • Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro
  • Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter
  • Royal United Hospital, Bath
  • Southmead Hospital, Bristol
  • St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol
  • Torbay Hospital, Torquay
  • Yeovil District Hospital

There is website for more information on neonatal network:

South West Neonatal Network –

Parent accommodation and facilities

A mother and baby room is available for parents to use. This may be for establishing breast-feeding and for staying overnight before going home or just somewhere to get some ‘time out’. This room has en suite facilities.

We promote breastfeeding and will support you to breastfeed your baby. We have a breast pump by each cot side and we also have breast pumps that we can loan to parents whilst your baby is on the unit.

We have a comfortable reclining chair by each cot side for parents.

If your baby is admitted to the SCU, parents are able to park in the main car park free of charge. This will be discussed with you on admission to the unit.


There is a parent’s lounge by the entrance to the ward where you can have a drink or snack.

A toilet is available by the lounge with wash and shower facilities on Caroline Thorpe ward.

On level 1 of the Ladywell Unit there is a vending machine for snacks and cold drinks. There is also a hot drinks and vending machine in Ladywell reception.

When parents are residents they can use the kitchen facilities on the right by the lifts at the main entrance to the wards. There is a microwave, a small fridge to store your food and there are tea and coffee-making facilities.

We also offer free meals for mothers whilst caring for their baby and fathers are welcome to purchase a meal to eat with their partner.

We have two new Ipads of which we can use when parents can’t visit their baby- either straight after delivery where the baby’s been moved to SBCU for continuing care, or when the parents are at home they could Skype the unit and see a live video of their baby.


We also have a parent support group called SNUG -

Meet the team

Lead Paediatric Consultant with Neonatal Interest
Tiziana Fragapane

Ward Matron of Paediatrics’ and Neonates
Lucy Barnard

Lead Nurse of Paediatrics’ and Neonates
Lucy Barnard

Ward Manager for SCUAde Agoro

Data Entry/ Ward Clerk
Aria Ward

We have a small group of specialised registered nurses trained in looking after babies.

The shift patterns worked are long days 07:30-20:00 and long nights 19:30-08:00. The nurse looking after you and your baby on the shift will introduce herself, make a plan of care with you and answer any questions you may have regarding your baby’s progress.

Doctors are always available for information too. If you have any problems or questions – please ask your nurse or doctor.

Patient information leaflets

We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.

Find out more

Useful videos

We have a wide range of videos which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

Find out more