
Epilepsy is a common neurological condition that affects the brain and causes seizures.

Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain. This causes a temporary disruption to the way the brain normally works. There are many different types of seizure. What happens to someone during a seizure depends on which part of their brain is affected, and how far the seizure activity spreads.

  • Epilepsy can start at any age
  • Epilepsy care extends from diagnosis, throughout the patient journey to a fully integrated care approach if this is required. The team consists of consultant neurologists and Epilepsy Specialist nurses
  • Epilepsy is often a lifelong condition. Seizures affect people differently, and each person’s experience is unique.

We offer a mixture of face-to-face clinical appointments and telephone consultations, allowing the team to assess and provide the level of support patients, their families and carers require.

Information and about us

The epilepsy team provides specialist nursing and medical management of patients with epilepsy across Exeter, Mid and East Devon, and now also North Devon. The team works closely with other epilepsy services in the South West region, including Bristol Southmead Hospital.

The team support people with epilepsy using an integrated, personalised and holistic approach. We provide guidance and education about epilepsy for the patient, their families and carers, and are able to signpost patients towards suitable resources for further support if needed.

The team is actively involved in working with and training other healthcare professionals in epilepsy awareness

Contact us


Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) 

  • Main switchboard: 01392 411611
  • Epilepsy Nurse Advice Line: 01392 408426
  • Epilepsy Specialist email: rduh.epilepsynurses@nhs.net
  • Neurology Consultants: can be contacted via their individual secretaries - please contact the General Switchboard on 01392 411 611 and ask for the Department of Neurology. 


North Devon District Hospital 

Main switchboard on 01271 322577

Where to find us

Your healthcare professional will advise where your appointment will take place. Your appointment may take place at one of our outpatient clinics situated within our main hospital sites or within the community.

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) 

We are based at the RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW.

Neurology and Neurophysiology are based Area D, Level 2.

Bolham Ward is located at Area A, level 1.

Supporting you

The epilepsy nurses are available Monday-Friday via telephone (01392 408426) or email rduh.epilepsynurses@nhs.net . We aim to respond to all queries within 5 working days.

Information for healthcare professionals

Eastern services

Our Epilepsy Nurse Advice Line can be contacted on 01392 408426 or via rduh.epilepsynurses@nhs.net


GP’s can refer patients to neurologists via the choose and book system.

Patient information leaflets

We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.

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