North Devon District Hospital Ophthalmology service
As one of North Devon District Hospital's largest departments, we help with over 15000-20000 eye episodes every year via our emergency, outpatient, surgery and inpatient services.
We have a team of 70 highly-skilled staff, made up of ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists, nurse specialists, and medical imaging colleagues, all supported by a dedicated clerical team.
We provide a comprehensive service for adults and children ranging from routine appointments to emergencies, and facilitated by state-of-the-art diagnostic, laser and surgical equipment. We are proud of our post-graduate teaching centre and are committed to delivering a high-quality service to patients in the North Devon area.
Information and about us
We offer the following services:
- Emergency eye services
- Cataract surgery (day case department)
- Adult Strabismus (Squint) / Ocular Motility service
- Cornea services
- General eye problems
- Glaucoma services
- Medical retina (including macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease)
- Oculoplastics
- Paediatric opthalmology
- Facial Dystonia
- Ocular Prosthetics
Patients requiring surgical intervention for vitreo-retinal problems, such as retinal detachment, are referred to the West of England Eye Unit.
Follow-up appointments may be at North Devon District Hospital or one of our community hospitals.
Contact us
For advice, please telephone 01271 314181. An answer-phone will take your message. This is checked daily by the clinical nurse specialist, who will return your call.
Certification of Visual Impairment - 01271 311588/01271 376677
Hospital Switchboard – 01271 322577
Emergency Service – 01271 314181
Optometry – 01271 311714
Orthoptics – 01271 322469
Out-patient Clinic Reception
- 01271 322466
- Exmoor Unit – 01271 322770
Pharmacy – 01271 322395
Pre-operative assessment clinic – 01271 311594
Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) – 01271 311588
Theatre – 01271 311844
Where to find us
Located on Level 1 of the main hospital building, the ophthalmology outpatient department at NDDH consists of two large areas, the main out-patient clinic and the Exmoor Unit, which are linked by a short corridor.
Collectively they house 2 reception desks, 2 main patient waiting areas, 11 consulting rooms, an orthoptic suite (comprising 3 examination rooms), pre-operative assessment suite, 2 laser suites, photography and imaging rooms, a treatment room and a minor operations theatre.
The Vanguard Eye Theatre is at the rear of the hospital, behind the Ladywell Unit. Some operations are carried out in the Exmoor Unit or Day Surgery Unit – your appointment letter will specify.
Additional out-patient clinics take place in the community hospitals in Bideford, Holsworthy, South Molton, Stratton and Torrington.