
Orthoptists are Allied Health Professionals who work as part of a multi-disciplinary team in Ophthalmology with Optometrists, Ophthalmologists and Ophthalmic Nurses.

Orthoptists see both adults and children and diagnose and treat conditions that affect the development of vision, eye movements and binocular vision. These include lazy eye (amblyopia), squint (strabismus), and double vision (diplopia).

Information and about us

We offer treatment for lazy eye (amblyopia) using various types of patches, atropine eye drops and by adjusting optical correction with glasses.

We treat double vision using prism correction or occlusion with a patch; we are also able to offer advice on other strategies to manage double vision.

Some conditions can be treated with orthoptic exercises to improve control of binocular vision.

Monitoring of glaucoma

Monitoring of macular degeneration

Monitoring of Juvenile arthritis patients to screen for uveitis

Botox Injections for facial dystonia

Contact us

Northern services

Tel 01271 322469


Eastern services

01392 406031

Where to find us

We provide a service at the West of England Eye Unit (WEEU), North Devon District Hospital, and at many community clinics across North, East and Mid Devon.

Northern services

Orthoptic Department
Level 2
North Devon District Hospital
Raleigh Park
EX31 4JB


Eastern services

RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW


Level 1, F Template

Meet the team

Northern services

The orthoptic team is led by Susan Thorne and Bernadette Goan.

Eastern services

The orthoptic team is led by Debbie McGrane, Head Orthoptist, and Laura Doucas, Deputy Head Orthoptist.

Services and treatments

We offer treatment for amblyopia using various types of patches, atropine eye drops and by adjusting optical correction with glasses.

We treat double vision using prism correction or occlusion with a patch; we are also able to offer advice on other strategies to manage double vision.

Some conditions can be treated with orthoptic exercises to improve control of binocular vision.

Information for healthcare professionals

Last updated: December 06, 2023.