Patient Information leaflets - Paediatrics
We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.
We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.
Eastern A-K
Advice about Hypospadias Repair in Children
Advice for parents of babies at risk of inheriting Hereditary Spherocytosis
After Your Child's Drug Challenge
Children's Exercise Tolerance Test
Chronic Urticaria and Angioedema in Children
Discharge Advice for Carers of Children Younger Than 5 Years Who Have a Fever
Febrile Convulsion in Children
Feeding Your Child on Bramble Ward
Following your Child's Food Challenge
Home food introduction for foods such as eggs and milk
Home food introduction to peanuts or tree nuts
Immunotherapy treatment with Alutard SQ Wasp and Bee Venom
Immunotherapy treatment with Grass Pollen and House Dust Mite Allergen
Information for Parents of Children at risk of Endocarditis
Keeping nuts in your child's diet after a successful food challenge - Ages 1-4 years
Keeping nuts in your child's diet after a successful food challenge - Ages 4-6 years
Keeping nuts in your child's diet after a successful food challenge - Ages 7-10 years
Keeping nuts in your child's diet after a successful food challenge - Ages 11-18 years
Eastern M-Z
Northern A-N
Care of children and young people with mental health difficulties
Care of your child after their operation
Caroline Thorpe Ward, Welcome to
Children’s pre-operative assessment
Community Children’s Nursing Team
Discharge from the Day Surgery Unit (child)
Melatonin sleep electroencephalograph (EEG) in children
Moving On for children and young people (age 0 – 18) with diabetes
Northern O-Z
Paediatric allergy patient initiated follow-up (PIFU)
Paediatric bladder and bowel care service PIFU
Paediatric nutrition and dietetics PIFU
Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Care - complex and / or additional needs
Paediatric High Dependency Unit
Reasonable Adjustment Pathway for children and young people
Structural talipes (club foot)
The mental & psychological effects of trauma on children
Urinary tract infections (UTI)
Your child’s inguinal hernia repair or hydrocele
Your dietitian (children and young person’s diabetes service)
Useful websites
NHS Start4life: Reflux and bottle feeding
NHS Start4Life: Reflux and breastfeeding
NHS Start4Life: constipation when bottle feeding
NHS Start4Life: constipation when breast feeding
Infant and Toddler Forum: common nutritional problems
ERIC web site - Children's bladder and bowel charity:
NHS start 4 Life: For age appropriate meal and snack ideas:
The Infant and Toddler Forum: for weaning advice, finger foods etc
Fussy Eating
The Child Feeding Guide: resources on tips and tools for parents on fussy feeding, online assessment tools and food refusal guides. You can create an account to track exposure, refusal and acceptance of foods.
Somerset Patient Webinars 6-14 mins long on Fussy feeding tips
The Infant and Toddler forum: parents section
NHS Weaning and fussy eating : resources on weaning, fussy eating and meal/snack ideas.
Iron Deficiency Anaemia
The Infant and Toddler Forum: parents section
Weight Management
NHS healthy families: Advice on snacking, food swaps and reducing fat, salt and sugar. Healthy recipes and activity ideas.
NHS - Eat well guide
First steps nutrition: Eating well resources page has picture guides on portion sizes for age groups and healthy recipe ideas.
Infant and Toddler Forum: Portion size guidance for under 5’s.
British Dietetic Association: Mindful Eating
Food Allergy
Infant and Toddler Forum: Guidance and tips about food allergy
Allergy UK: A British medical charity who support patients with allergies
British Dietetic Association: Food Fact sheets about allergy
Coeliac Disease
Coeliac UK: A British medical charity who support people with Coeliac Disease
British Dietetic Association: Food Fact sheet about Coeliac Disease
Diabetes UK: A British medical charity who support people with Diabetes
British Dietetic Association: Food Fact Sheets about diabetes
JDRF: Type 1 Diabetes Charity
Digibete: Online support and resources for children and parents/carers.
British Dietetic Association: Food Fact sheet about Autism and the potential impact on eating
Children and family health Devon: Resources for families on sensory processing