Pain management service (outpatients) - East

We offer a multi-disciplinary, holistic service for patients with ongoing pain. Our rehabilitation team offers individualised treatment, as well as group pain management programmes. Treatments are generally combined to improve outcomes for patients referred to us.

We deal with complex, ongoing pain, such as back pain, joint pain, widespread pain syndromes, neuropathic pain, pelvic pain, complex regional pain syndrome and persistent post-operative pain. We offer a multi-disciplinary service and encourage and enable self-management of pain.

We are currently working with DrDoctor to text those on our waiting list. If you have received a text message from 07860 039 092 then please do not ignore it - reply to let us know if you still need your hospital procedure or appointment. Your response will help us to manage our waiting lists and see those that need an appointment as quickly as we can. You can find out more here.

Information and about us

Living with persistent, long-term pain can be a challenging experience, as it can affect all aspects of life, from your social life to your sleep patterns. Your mood and confidence can be affected as well, with a lot of people left feeling depressed and worried about the future.

A significant number of people will find little change to their pain, even after medication and surgery. When this happens, the approach has to change to enable a person to take charge of their life again. It is difficult to accept that your pain is going to be a long-term issue, but we believe that people do better if they can learn to manage the pain themselves and not keep seeing different doctors in search of a cure. This is where our team comes in.

We have a number of pain management options available, including group work, information sessions and individual appointments. At the initial assessment, we will ask you about your pain and its impact on your life, then discuss possible ways forward.

Introduction to the pain service

Contact us

If you would like to be referred to our team, please discuss this with your GP.

If you are already under the care of a pain consultant at the RD&E, then please discuss this with them.

Where to find us

RD&E Heavitree, Gladstone Rd, Exeter EX1 2ED

Pain Management and Physiotherapy

Meet the team

Our team consists of consultants in anaesthetics and pain management, as well as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists.

  • Donna Batten, Specialist Physiotherapist
  • Dr Rebecca Butler, Clinical Psychologist
  • Dr Doug Crix, Clinical Psychologist
  • Laura Fox, Specialist Physiotherapist
  • Rose Nichol, Specialist Occupational Therapist
  • Annie Jordan-Williams, Specialist Occupational Therapist
  • Dr Kathy Cox, Clinical Psychologist

Services and treatment

Available treatment options include:

  • Drug review
  • Pain intervention, eg facet joint injection, epidural, nerve root block
  • Spinal cord stimulator service
  • Pain management programmes, physiotherapy, psychology and occupational therapy

Patient information leaflets

We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.

Find out more

Information for healthcare professionals

We have a dedicated section of the website for guidance, referral information and other useful information for Healthcare Professionals.

Find out more