General nephrology
General nephrology is a branch of medicine which deals with the function and diseases of the kidney. The aim of our general nephrology and nephrology specialist clinics is to find the cause of any kidney related problems and to try to prevent them from getting worse.
Kidney disease can become quite advanced before it causes any symptoms. Therefore, regular blood and urine tests are needed to monitor the condition, even if you feel completely well. This will be done in partnership with your GP.
Information and about us
When you come to the hospital, you will be asked to bring an early morning urine sample for testing. Your weight and blood pressure will also be checked by a nurse before you see the doctor.
Your consultation with the doctor will generally last 10-15 minutes. Once you have seen the doctor, you will usually be asked to have a blood test to give us an up to date picture of your current level of kidney function. If you are seeing a specialist nurse or other member of the renal team, your consultation may take up to an hour, so please consider this when parking.
Other things that might be done during your appointment:
- review of medication (so please bring repeat prescription list with you).
- physical examination: this involves listening to your heart and lungs and checking your legs for any swelling.
- a review and discussion about your recent blood tests and any possible further tests (such as a renal (kidney) ultrasound).
- finally, the specialist will discuss the plan for you over the coming weeks or months. They will then decide on the next appointment, and let you know about any changes to medications. We might also suggest dietary recommendations.
How can I prepare for my appointment?
Please bring:
- a list of recent medications noting any changes made and the dates when the changes were made.
- a list of questions or concerns.
- if you check your blood pressure at home, bring the record of measurements with you.
- your monitor is always helpful for us to see. We can check it’s suitable and working correctly.
- any recorded weights you do at home.
- also, consider bringing someone with you in case there is a lot of information to absorb.
Some of your appointments can take up to one hour before you have to have any tests done if required, so please allow for this.
Contact us
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Main switchboard on 01392 411611
To contact Creedy Ward, please call 01392 402590 / 2591.
Where to find us
Your healthcare professional will advise where your appointment will take place. Your appointment may take place at one of our outpatient clinics situated within our main hospital sites or within the community.
Eastern services
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Barrack Road
Creedy Ward is a 26-bedded inpatient and emergency dialysis ward.
Meet the team
Our Senior Medical Team across Devon and Somerset:
- Dr Helen Clarke, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Lucy Smyth, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr David Meredith, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Rhian Clissold, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Richard D’Souza, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Chris Mulgrew, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Maria Bellovillalba, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Coralie Bingham, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Jason Moore, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Lindsey Webb ,Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Magdalena Stojakowska, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Duncan Whitehead, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Barbara Flower, Consultant Nephrologist
- Dr Mark Gilchrist, Consultant Nephrologist
Services and treatments
Supporting you
The Exeter Kidney Unit has a psychologist who works two days a week. We also have connections with Talkworks. Both can help patients deal with the emotional difficulties associated with long term health conditions.
We also have a very active Kidney Patients Association (KPA) who are always willing to help were they can. You can also become an active member of the KPA.
For more information on the Exeter KPA please contact:
Jean Aplin
13 Crowden Crescent,
EX16 4ET
Tel : 01884 254260
Patient information leaflets
We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.
We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.
Useful videos
We have a wide range of videos which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.