Who we are and what we do

The Tissue Viability service is a nurse led expert advisory service providing specialist evidenced based advice on complex and non-healing wounds. We provide advice to patients, families, carers and healthcare professionals.

All patients of any age are eligible for referral to our service, if registered with a North, Mid or East Devon GP and meet the referral criteria. Referrals are taken from both allied health professionals and directly from patients.

Tissue Viability visits are conducted in a variety of care settings which include acute inpatients, independent clinics, community hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries and patients' own homes. We also offer specialist advice to other healthcare professionals. 

Contact us

Northern services

Telephone:  01271 349160
E-Mail: rduh.tissueviability-northern@nhs.net


Eastern services

You can contact the team on either 01392 402846 (Stewart Smith House) or 01392 208462 (Franklyn House).

Both numbers will be able to take information for both settings.

Where to find us

Northern services

Based at North Devon District hospital. The Tissue Viability team covers all of North Devon. Giving expert specialist advice to Nurses, doctors, allied health professional, patients and carers.

Referred patients are seen on the acute wards, outpatients, patients own homes and nursing care homes.
We run a specialist Tissue Viability clinic on a Wednesday at North Devon District Hospital.
We provide training to Trust staff and Nursing care home staff. This includes skin care, pressure ulcer prevention, wound management and dressing selection.

We no longer support the leg ulcer clinics as they have their own specialist nurse now.

Eastern services

Based at the RD&E Wonford and Franklyn House, Franklyn Drive, Exeter EX2 9HS.

The Tissue Viability team also covers Mid and East Devon, giving specialist advice and support to patients, community nurses, practice nurses, care homes and Devon Partnership Trust.
We run specialist clinics in community locations.

Meet the team

Northern services

  • Lead Nurse – Vacant
  • Jane Oakey – Full time. Clinical Nurse Specialist Tissue Viability and interim Lead
  • Tissue Viability Nurse Part time - Vacant
  • Olivia Domoney - Part time. Tissue Viability Nurse

Eastern services

Juliet Price, Clinical Matron, leads a team that includes advanced nurse specialists and nurse specialists in tissue viability, service administrator and team secretaries

Information for healthcare professionals

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