Prostate cancer

The prostate is only found in men and is part of the reproductive system.  It sits at the outlet of the bladder and surrounds the urethra (waterpipe) as it leaves the bladder.  This is why some men whose prostate enlarges or becomes diseased have difficulty in passing urine. The prostate produces some of the fluid that bathe the sperm as ejaculation occurs.

Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer, but as yet there is not a screening test for prostate cancer but if you have concerns about the disease then make an appointment to see your GP to discuss your concerns and have your questions answered.  To check your risk, the doctor will examine your prostate and will discuss having a blood test –PSA.

Information and about us

When you attend the urology department for consultation a member of the team will talk through any urinary symptoms you may have, assess your other medical problems and will repeat the examination of the prostate gland.  The doctor or specialist nurse will discuss the investigations needed to assess you for prostate cancer.  Investigations may include an MRI which may highlight any abnormal areas, a prostate biopsy which may be under a local anaesthetic or short general anaesthetic.

You are seen in clinic to discuss the results, if there is evidence of prostate cancer then you may require some further scans to help the Doctors determine the best mode of treatment. WE will discuss all the treatment options with you.

Contact us

Eastern services

  • Secretary to Miss Waine - 01392 408474
  • Secretary to Mr Goldstraw - 01392 404721
  • Clinical Nurse Specilaists - 01392 40 2747

Where to find us

Eastern services

RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW

Department of Urology (Level 2, Area G)

Meet the team

Eastern services

  • Miss Elizabeth Waine - Consultant urologist and Robotic Surgeon
  • Mr Miles Goldstraw - Consultant Urologist and Robotic Surgeon
  • Mr Malcolm Crundwell - Consultant Urologist
  • Mrs Jane Billing - Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Mrs Claire Turner - Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Mrs Katie Quainance - Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Mrs Moira Anderson - Clinical Nurse Specialist

Services and treatments

The type of treatments available to you are determined by a number of factors such as grade of disease (how aggressive the cancer is), stage of disease (is it confined to the prostate), and any other medical problems you may have now or have had in the past. 

  • Active Surveillance
  • Radical Prostatectomy
  • HDR Brachytherapy
  • EBRT

You can find out more about treatment for Prostate cancer by visiting the NHS website.