Developing your Maths, English and Digital Skills at the Trust

Royal Devon are pleased to be able to provide the opportunity for colleagues to gain a recognised national qualification in Maths and English. These will equip colleagues with the practical skills needed to live, learn and work successfully. Colleagues will complete Maths and/or English qualifications at entry level to level 2 to support their skills development and progression.


We are working with a number of different providers to offer staff the best possible route to completing their qualifications. 

On successful completion of these qualifications, colleagues can have the opportunity to progress to an apprenticeship programme for further development to support their chosen career pathway. For example:


Digital Skills Offer

Essential Digital Skills are more important than ever. Since 2020, we’ve experienced a world where face-to-face communication hasn’t always been possible and therefore having a grasp on digital technology and communication is vital to stay connected.

Exeter College are offering a part-time course for adults to gain important digital skills to support in the workplace. For more information on this course (run by Exeter College) please follow this link Essential Digital Skills (

The NHS and Microsoft have an ICT collaboration via the IT Skills Pathway where staff can undertake self paced learning on a multitude of Microsoft programmes. Learners can complete the parts that they need or the whole course to gain a certificate (although not recognised official qualification).

Digital and Microsoft Office skills

Learn at Your Own Pace – IT Skills Pathway

If you would like to improve your overall digital skills or Microsoft office skills, we provide quality assured Digital Skills and Microsoft Office learning and assessment content from NHS Digital. From basic digital literacy and skills through to advanced Microsoft Excel and Word training. You can do pre-course diagnostic assessments and post-learning assessments to verify your learning. Learn anywhere at your own pace.


Free curated online resources

If you have done all the basic IT Skills Pathway courses, and are looking for some more advanced topics, here’s our curated selection to try:

Typing has comprehensive keyboard and typing lessons for all levels; beginner, intermediate and advance. As well as computer basics and coding fundamentals.


Excel Exposure  has a nice lesson plan split into different levels (beginner – intermediate – advanced), the videos listed show duration and are clearly labelled by topic
GFC Global  offers well designed mix of videos and tutorials and they have included scenarios to make it easier to understand how to apply a formula in a real-life situation
Udemy – A selection of free courses so you will need to filter to find what you are looking for


Try the Best shortcuts in 30 mins – you can easily jump into a topic of interest from the course content menu. This is a great example of good online learning


Udemy  a selection of bite-sized and slightly longer lessons


You will need to register, but it’s free

You can see the course content with hyperlinks to jump to section of interest. You can also switch on the Transcript or Caption

Try the Top Tips lesson – it’s in Queens English!




Udemy  To find the free section, please scroll down the page


Try the How to be Persuasive  lesson and click go to course


Last updated: December 13, 2023.