NHSquicker – the app which helps you spend less time waiting for treatment for a minor injury or illness
Check urgent care waiting times in your web browser
NHSquicker is a free app which provides live waiting and travel times for NHS services providing urgent care across Devon and Cornwall. NHSquicker provides information about the healthcare services available to you based on your location, helping you to choose the right service and spend less time waiting.
The combined travel and waiting times estimate how long it will take you to be seen by each service. Our emergency departments are busy, and often for a minor injury, you could be seen quicker elsewhere.
Please remember to always ring 999 in a life-threatening emergency.
You can also use the app to find information about minor injuries units, emergency departments, pharmacies, dentists, opticians, sexual health and GP surgeries.
If you are not sure where to go, you can dial 111 and they will direct you to the most appropriate place for your needs.
The information feed is provided by Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust (NDHT), Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT), Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E), South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT), Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust (TSDFT) and Claremont Medical Practice.
To download the app on Android:
To download the app on Apple:
You can also view the app through your web browser at
HANDi Paediatric app
Download the free HANDi Paediatric app for expert advice, support and guidance on common childhood illnesses.
The app has been designed as a way to reduce the number of children and young people who visit A&E but need no treatment.
It has been developed by paediatric consultants and will give parents access to home care plans, as well as primary care and hospital clinical guidelines.
The app contains information about when and how to ask for help, along with what to expect when your child is being assessed.
Download links
Barnstaple/Northern (download and extract file to your desktop)
Android: Search ‘HANDi Paediatric’ on Google Play or
Apple: Search ‘HANDi Paediatric’ on App Store or Devon links to appear in the next two weeks (following Apple approval process)
Download instructions (pdf)
MySunrise patient information app
MySunrise appThe MySunrise app is being launched to support North Devon cancer patients and their families. Conveniently located on a smart phone or tablet, the app will provide complete and up to date information, from the moment of diagnosis all the way through the treatment pathway, from which bus to catch to the hospital, right through to support groups in their local areas and what to expect when coming in for treatment.
The app also provides comprehensive information on symptom support and the services available through the Fern Cancer and Wellbeing centre, alongside a wealth of suggested further reading and useful resources. Also, with the current challenges of coronavirus, we are now able get up-to-date information directly to patients who may be waiting and worrying at home about their treatment.
Steven Johnson-Wood, Living With and Beyond Cancer Lead said: ‘Patients can often feel overwhelmed by the large amount of information provided following a diagnosis of cancer. The app will help to give patients more control and information about their treatment and where to turn when they need help. We hope that lots of patients will download it and let us know what they think’!
The MySunrise app was initially developed for patients in Cornwall. It has been completely reworked for Cancer Services at North Devon District Hospital and is also being launched in Exeter, Plymouth and Torbay with funding from the Peninsula Cancer Alliance. Patients having treatment at other Trusts will be signposted to the information for the appropriate Hospital within the app and will be able to switch between Trusts as required.
The app is now available to download from the iTunes and Google Play app stores.