Bereavement services
Contact us
We apologise if you connect to an answerphone, as our phone line can be busy. It is essential that you leave a contact phone number so that we can get back to you. Please be assured that we will respond to your message as soon as we can.
Northern (NDDH Barnstaple) bereavement services - we can be contacted between 9.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) on 01271 322 404 or
Eastern (RD&E Exeter) bereavement services - we can be contacted between 9.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) on 01392 402349 or
Helpful information
Our Bereavement Information booklets are designed to help you cope with the practical steps following the death of a patient over the coming days or weeks.
The booklet contains information about:
- Making contact with a funeral director
- Collecting the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death
- Dealing with the coroner (if applicable)
- Tissue donation
- Arranging to see your loved one
- Collecting property and valuables
- Hospital post-mortem
- Registering the death
- Other help available
Please click on a booklet to download:
Northern services
Making arrangements following your bereavement
Information for parents following the loss of a newborn baby
Information for parents following a stillbirth
Parental information for parents following a late foetal loss
Guide to post mortem procedures
Eastern services
Emergency Department Bereavement Booklet