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Services A-Z
Wards at Eastern Services
Wards at Northern Services
Type in the name of the service or ward you're looking for to narrow the list
Abdominal Wall Surgery
Acute Hospital at Home (AHAH)
Acute medicine
Acute Medicine Unit (AMU)
Medical Assessment Unit (MAU)
Same day emergency care
Acute Medicine Unit (AMU) - Eastern services
Anaesthetics - Eastern services
Anaesthetics - Northern services
Audiology (hearing, tinnitus, and balance)
Audiology - Eastern services
Audiology - Northern services
Bereavement services
Blood tests (phlebotomy)
Bowel and bladder care
Bowel and Bladder service - adults
Bowel and Bladder service - children
Breast care
Breast awareness
Breast care - Eastern services
Breast care - Northern services
Breast screening service
Cancer services
Acute Oncology services
Breast care
Conditions we treat
Exeter Oncology Centre
FORCE cancer charity
Information and contact us
Living with and beyond cancer
Lymphoedema service
Patient Information leaflets - Cancer services
Supporting you
The Fern Centre
The Seamoor Unit
What to do when you feel unwell
Cardiology (heart)
Information and contact us
Patient Information leaflets
Castle Place Practice
Colorectal (rectum, anus and colon)
Appointments, assessments and patient pathways
Bowel Cancer screening
Colorectal cancer
Inflammatory bowel disease service
Patient Information leaflets - colorectal
Stoma care service
Supporting you
Who we are and where to find us
Community services
Carer support and respite care
Caring for you at home
Children and young people
Community Nursing
Community Therapies
Feet, skin and wound care
Mobility and equipment services
Our locations
Patient Information leaflets
Recovery and rehabilitation at home
Screening services
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
Sexual Health
Team directory
When you need help
Critical care
Day surgery
Day surgery and theatres at North Devon District Hospital
Day surgery and theatres at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Dental (teeth)
Dermatology - Eastern services
Dermatology - Northern Services
Diabetes and endocrinology
Eastern services
Northern services
Discharge hub & Discharge lounge
Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
Ear, nose and throat services
Head and neck services
Patient Information Leaflets - ENT
Emergency department (ED or A&E)
End of life care
Bowel Cancer Screening
Endoscopy services East
Endoscopy services North
Patient Information leaflets - Endoscopy
Fertility services
First Steps Nursery
Contact details and where to find us
Helpful information and frequently asked questions
Our rooms
Pricing and funding
Register your child now
Bowel Cancer Screening service
Hepatology (Liver)
Inflammatory bowel disease service
Okement ward
Patient Information leaflets - Gastroenterology
Who we are and where to find us
Genetics and genomics
Exeter Genomics Laboratory
Peninsula Clinical Genetics
Rare Disease Day 2024
Appointments, assessments and patient pathways
Cervical screening
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) - East
Emergency Gynaecology Assessment Unit (EGAU) - East
Gynaecological cancer
Patient information leaflets
Petter Day Treatment Unit - North
Termination of pregnancy
Who we are and where to find us
Wynard Ward
Healthcare for older people
Clinical research in Healthcare for Older Adults
Delirium (acute confusion)
Orthogeriatrics - bone health and falls prevention
Parkinson's Disease and movement disorders
Patient Information leaflets - Healthcare for older people
Stroke services
Who we are and where to find us
Hepatology (Liver)
High dependency care
Infection prevention and control
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Learning disability services
Maternity and obstetrics (birth and babies)
Antenatal care
Before you get pregnant
Birth Place Choices
Community maternity services
Day Assessment Unit (DAU)
Infant feeding
Meet our team
North Devon Maternity Services Self-Referral Form
Patient Information leaflets and videos
Supporting you
Visiting and getting here
Your birth
Your postnatal care
Medical Assessment Unit - Northern Services
Medical Imaging (Radiology, X-ray)
Medical Imaging - Eastern services
Radiology - Northern services
Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)
Mobility and equipment services
Community Equipment services
Exeter Mobility Centre
Independent Living Centre
Multiple Sclerosis
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
Neonatal care
Neonatal Care East
Neonatal Care North (Special Care)
Patient Information leaflets - Neonatal care
Neurology and neurorehabilitation
Bolham Ward - Eastern services
Multiple Sclerosis service
Parkinson's disease and movement disorders
Patient Information leaflets
Nuclear Medicine - Eastern services
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational health and wellbeing
Occupational Therapy
Appointments, assessments and patient pathways
Conditions we treat
Emergency eye services
Heavitree Glaucoma unit
North Devon District Hospital Ophthalmology service
Ophthalmology services in our community hospitals
Paediatric Ophthalmology
Patient Information leaflets - Ophthalmology
West of England Eye Unit (WEEU)
Oral & maxillofacial
Dento-alveolar and Oral Surgery
Facial Trauma
Head and neck
Orthognathic Surgery (jaw realignment)
Patient Information leaflets - Oral and Maxillofacial
Salivary Gland disease
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Surgery
Who we are and where to find us
Organ donation information
Cleft lip and palate
Orthodontic treatment
Patient Information leaflets - Orthodontics
Orthopaedics - Eastern services
Orthopaedics - Northern services
Patient Information leaflets - Orthopaedics
Patient information videos - Orthopaedics
Orthotics (surgical appliances)
Outpatient services
Paediatrics (children and young people)
Bramble Children and Young People’s Unit
Caroline Thorpe Ward
Community paediatric services
Emergency care (Paediatric Assessment Unit)
Our services
Paediatric allergy challenge
Patient Information leaflets - Paediatrics
Special Care Baby Unit
Transition to adult care
Who we are and where to find us
Pain management
Pain management service (inpatients) - East
Pain management service (outpatients) - East
Patient Information Leaflets - Pain management
Persistent pain service - North
Palliative care
Blood Sciences (Chemistry, Haematology and Immunology)
Blood Transfusion services
Cellular Pathology (Histology and Cytology)
Microbiology (Virology and Serology)
Mortuary services
Phlebotomy (blood tests)
Pharmacy - Eastern services
Pharmacy - Homecare
Pharmacy - Northern services
Phlebotomy (blood tests)
Changes to Eastern Podiatry services
Footcare and diabetes
How to access the service
Information for Healthcare Professionals
Patient information
Who we are and what we do
Private patients
Private patients Eastern services
Private patients Northern services
Radiology (X-ray and medical imaging)
Recovery from COVID-19
Renal and nephrology services (kidneys)
Acute starters dialysis
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) nurse service
Creedy Ward
Exeter Kidney Unit
General nephrology
Low clearance service
Patient Information leaflets - renal and nephrology
Peritoneal dialysis
Renal Anaemia
Renal community nurse specialists
Renal day case
Renal dietitians
Renal pharmacy
Renal supportive care
Renal vascular access
Transplant services
Young Adult / Transition Service
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Cystic Fibrosis
Interstitial lung disease
Lung cancer and mesothelioma
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
Oxygen service
Patient Information leaflets - respiratory
Who we are and where to find us
Resuscitation department
Peninsula Collaboration On Resuscitation
SCARS: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Recovery Support
Rheumatology (musculoskeletal system / joints)
Conditions we treat
Patient Information leaflets - rheumatology
Rheumatology - Eastern services
Rheumatology - Northern services
Safeguarding - Eastern services
Safeguarding - Northern services
Salaried Dental Service
Emergency dental service
Locations and contact
Oral Health for you, parents and carers
Oral Health Information
Oral Health training
Preparing for your dental appointment
Referral forms
Salaried Dental Service
Same day emergency care
Sexual assault referral centre (SARC)
Sexual health
Specialist weight management service
Referring patients
Specialist weight management service - Attend Anywhere
Specialist weight management service - contact us
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
Patient Information leaflets - stroke services
Staples Ward (North)
Supporting you - stroke services in the community
Who we are and where to find us
Yealm and Clyst Wards (East)
Surgery and theatres
Community theatres
Patient Information Leaflets - Surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery
Theatres at North Devon District Hospital
Theatres at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Community Therapies
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational Therapy
Physiotherapy services
Speech and Language Therapy
Tissue viability (wound management)
Leg ulcer service
Pressure Ulcers
Who we are and what we do
Upper GI surgery
Urgent care
Urology (urinary tract)
Appointments, assessments and patient pathways
Bladder cancer
Bowel and Bladder care
Female urology
Kidney cancer
Male urology
Paediatric urology
Patient Information Leaflets - Urology
Prostate cancer
Urological stone disease
Who we are and where to find us
Vascular surgery
X-ray (Medical Imaging, Radiology)
Last updated: December 29, 2022.