Clinical research in Healthcare for Older Adults

Clinical research helps to gain a better understanding of changes in health over time and the best care for different health conditions. Research is part of our clinical practice and we may offer you the opportunity to volunteer to take part in a research study if you are a patient or carer within our department. We are a clinical academic department and our expert clinical research team can explain studies that you would be eligible for.

We work closely with colleagues across the NHS and at the University of Exeter to provide excellence in clinical research.

How can I get involved in research?

This might be offered as part of routine clinical care as an inpatient or outpatient. There are also some studies for which you can self-enrol. You can find information on some of our existing studies below, as well as studies you can volunteer for even if you’re not a patient of ours.

At Exeter we also have active Patient and Public Involvement groups, which help to guide researchers in planning and managing clinical research. If you would like to find out more about participating in these, the links are below.