Yealm and Clyst Wards (East)

Yealm and Clyst Wards are based at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital (Wonford) and provide our stroke services. Clyst Ward is an Acute Stroke Unit that offers 24 hour acute care for stroke patients. Yealm Ward is our stroke rehabilitation unit based on Level 2 of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford).

We are staffed by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, rehabilitation support workers, dieticians, pharmacists, ward clerk, housekeeping and domestic services.

Information and about us

Clyst Ward

We provide 24-hour care to patients who have experienced a TIA or a Stroke. Our unit has 28 beds with 2 Trolley spaces, 3 single side rooms and 1 double side room. We also have a day room and a gym that are used for patient therapy.

Yealm Ward

Patients are transferred here from the acute stroke unit for further rehabilitation. We run intensive rehabilitation sessions, group work, various therapy sessions and assessments to help our patients manage their condition and regain independence. We have a day room/dining room and a gym that is used for patient therapy.

Where to find us

RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW


Acute Stroke Unit

  • Clyst Ward (Level 2, Area E)

Stroke Rehabilitation

  • Yealm Ward (Level 2, Area E)

Contact us

Contact Clyst Ward on 01392 402507

Contact Yealm Ward 01392 404535

Patient information leaflets

We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.

Find out more

Useful videos

We have a wide range of videos which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

Find out more