The Royal Devon Safeguarding Service is based at both the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) and at the North Devon District Hospital. Our Safeguarding Teams coordinate this service for adults and children across the Trust.
Every health organisation is required to have named professionals in place to safeguard adults and children to protect them from harm. We are proud to have a team in place that strives to promote best practices amongst our colleagues, providing advice, supervision, education and support for all safeguarding issues.
Our named professionals work closely with other health professionals including clinicians, GPs, health visitors, mental health services, CAMHS and school nurses. This also includes partner agencies such as the police and social care as well as other statutory and voluntary organisations.
Get in touch
East Devon, Mid Devon and Exeter
The Head of Safeguarding leads the safeguarding team. This service is available for all staff working within the organisation and offers advice and support for all issues relating to safeguarding.
We are available between 08.30 and 16.30
Tel: 01392 406430
Safeguarding email:
Safeguarding midwife email:
North Devon
The Nurse Consultant for Safeguarding leads the Integrated Safeguarding Service.
This service is available for all staff working within the organisation and offers advice and support for all issues relating to safeguarding.
We are available Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 16.30
General contact information
Tel: 01271 341533
Email: or
Mental Capacity Act/Liberty Protection Safeguards
Tel: 01271 341521
Information for Police and social care professionals
Police or social care professionals wishing to discuss child protection assessments:
- North Devon District Hospital - please contact the Consultant Paediatrician on-call via the NDDH switchboard
- Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford) please contact the paediatrician on-call via the RD&E switchboard
Meet the team
- Chief Nursing Officer / Executive Lead Safeguarding – Carolyn Mills
- Head of Safeguarding Northern Services & Associate Director for Safeguarding – Anna Brimacombe
- Head of Safeguarding Eastern Services – Caroline Holt
- Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children Northern services – Dr Chris Poh
- Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children Eastern services – Dr John-Paul Smith
- Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults Eastern services – Dr Jane Sword
- Named Midwife Northern services – Angela Whitfield
- Named Midwife Eastern services – Alison Macefield Safeguarding Midwife RD&E – Nikki Soper
- Specialist Nurse Safeguarding Adults Northern services – Mary Fisher and Alison Bradshaw
- Specialist Nurse Safeguarding Children Northern services – Laura Lethaby
- Specialist Nurse SARC/Sexual Health and Exploitation – Elaine Collins
- Senior Safeguarding Nurses Eastern services – Alison Bolt, Annette Emanuel, Fern Deasington & Victoria Heath
- Safeguarding Specialists Eastern services – Rose Chamberlain & Jodie Vickers
- Professional Leads for Mental Capacity Royal Devon – Stacey Endacott and Natalie Wensley
- Mental Capacity Act Team Lead Royal Devon – Jill Goodwill
- MCA/LPS Practitioners Royal Devon – contactable through the Leads named above
Safeguarding declaration
The Board of the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is assured that the following are in place to meet the requirements of the Care Quality Commission Regulation 13 and ensure that systems and processes safeguard all our patients whether they are children, young people or adults.