Interstitial lung disease
Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) refers to a group of respiratory conditions including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis HP), asbestosis, ILD associated with rheumatologic conditions, as well as many less common conditions.
Often referred to as Pulmonary Fibrosis, ILDs cause inflammation or scarring of the lung tissue (unlike Asthma or COPD which affect the airways). ILD is not cancer or cystic fibrosis and is not contagious, and prognosis varies with the type of ILD.
Accurate and early diagnosis is essential for optimal management. Many patients require close monitoring and follow-up by a respiratory physician with a special interest in ILD and a specialist ILD nurse.
Information and about us
The Interstitial Lung Disease Service at the Royal Devon and Exeter is an NHS England regional commissioned service covering Devon, Cornwall and some of Dorset and Somerset. Your GP or local respiratory doctor will need to refer you to the service. We encourage patients attending our regional clinic to bring a family member or friend as it can be a busy day and they will be given lots of information. We hope you will meet several members of the ILD team and will provide you with contact details.
The referral is discussed in an ILD multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting which includes an expert ILD physician, ILD radiologist and ILD Nurse Specialist and when required a pathologist and/or rheumatologist. After this meeting, and if appropriate, the patient is offered a clinic appointment. We use a shared care approach, supporting local hospitals in caring for their patients and reducing the frequency of patient visits to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
In addition to support and management of their symptoms and condition, where appropriate, we offer patients clinical trials, pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen assessment and lung transplant.
Contact us
Eastern services
To get in contact, please call the admin team on 01392 403701, or the Nurse Helpline on 07395 283159. You will need to leave a message and we will call you back.
Northern services
The Respiratory Specialist Nurses provide a Helpline number 01271 311600 which is available Mon-Fri 8.00-16.00.
CREADO Team – 01271 341505
Sharon Standen – 01271 349589
Sally Pearson – 01271 322443
Jess Cole – 01271 311600
Meet the team
Eastern services
Clinical team:
- Dr Michael Gibbons - Lead Consultant ILD Physician
- Dr Pilar Rivera Ortega - Consultant ILD Physician
- Dr Stefan Stanel - Consultant ILD Physician
- Dr Amelia Stockley - Supportive Care Consultant
- Sarah Lines (Nurse Independent Prescriber) - Team Lead, ILD Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Tory Elworthy (Nurse Independent Prescriber) - ILD Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Jessica Mandizha - ILD Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Ana Rita Paiva (Nurse Independent Prescriber) - ILD Nurse Specialist
- Belen Carballido-Romero - Pharmacist
- Bridie Meiklereid - Pharmacist
- Rebecca Davies - Physiotherapist
- Kate Taylor - Dietitian
- Jess Moss - Occupational Therapist
Admin team:
- Angela Thurgood - Manager
- Charlotte Crook - ILD MDT Co-ordinator
- Caroline Dean - Admin support
- Jack Kitchener - Admin support
Northern services
- Dr Alison Moody - Consultant Physician
- Dr Georgina Hands - Consultant Physician
- Dr Jareer Raza - Consultant Physician
Respiratory Nurses
- Lynn Greenfield - Respiratory Specialist Nurse
- Sharon Newcombe - Respiratory Nurse
- Sharon Standen - Secretary to Dr Alison Moody & Dr Jareer Raza
- Sally Pearson - Secretary to Dr Georgina Hands
- Jess Cole - Administrator for Respiratory Nurses
- Melanie Duncan and Angela Sutton - Administrator for Lesley Parsons and Linda Jordan
Where to find us
Your healthcare professional will advise where your appointment will take place. Your appointment may take place at one of our outpatient clinics situated within our main hospital sites or within the community.
Clinics may be face to face, via video link or telephone. It is better if we see you face to face for your first appointment.
Northern Services
North Devon District Hospital
Raleigh Park
EX31 4JB
Eastern services
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Barrack Road
Services and treatments
Treatment can vary according to the specific type of ILD and drugs include antifibrotic drugs or immuno- suppressants and oxygen as well as medication to treat or palliate symptoms of breathlessness, cough, etc.
Non-pharmacological (not drug) treatment is often just as important and usually we encourage the patient to exercise as much as possible and take part in a Pulmonary Rehabilitation course, join a local support group, manage their diet and overall physical and mental health.
We also have a number of clinics available. These may be face to face or on the telephone. It is better if we see you face to face for your first appointment. With the patients permission, medical students and or other health care professionals may be present in our clinics for their own learning. The clinics we run are:
- Regional Clinic (with ILD Physician, ILD Nurse and other members of the team)
- ILD Physician
- ILD Nurse (ILD medication review, routine ILD follow up)
- Ambulatory oxygen assessment
Supporting you
Our service has close links with the ILD charities (websites listed above) and various support groups in the region. When attending clinic we provide you with up-to-date information listing these contacts and providing you with information on who to contact when.
The helplines for these charities are:
- Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis: 01223 785725
- British Lung Foundation: 03000 030 555
- Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust: 01543 442191
We are pleased that we have good links with many local respiratory services and we ensure that we copy them in to any letters sent to the GP.
Who to contact when:
- Exeter ILD phone number: medication, prescriptions and side effects for medication prescribed by ILD team and to chase yearly appointments if required
- Your local respiratory consultant secretary: for regular local follow-up
- GP: signs of a chest infection (increase in cough/breathlessness) for antibiotics and medications to treat symptoms / routine blood test appointments unless advised otherwise
Patient information leaflets
We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.
We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.
Information for healthcare professionals
Please email