Working with you to keep you safe and well

You may be feeling anxious about being in hospital but keeping you safe and well is a priority for the staff looking after you. There are also some simple things you can do to help keep yourself safe during your hospital stay, such as asking for help when needed, protecting yourself from slips and falls and helping to prevent blood clots. This video provides our top tips on keeping yourself safe during a hospital stay.

We listen

We want every one of our patients, and their relatives, to receive the best possible service when being treated at, or visiting, our hospitals.

Sometimes, however, things don’t go to plan. We want to assure you that whatever happens, we will always do our best to put things right and try to stop it from happening again.

It is important that you tell us if you are not happy with the care and treatment you have received. We can only put things right if you tell us what is wrong. We take all feedback seriously and will take action where appropriate.

You can find information on how to raise a concern on our website NHS Royal Devon | Patient Advice and Liaison Service – PALS or in this leaflet. Help us to get better at what we do

When things go wrong

When things do go wrong its really important we learn from them. We have signed up to the National Learning from Patient Safety Events service (LFPSE), a new NHS service that records and analyses patient safety events. All of our staff are encouraged to record patient safety events through this service so that any problems can be identified and improvements made. You can learn more about what this means in this short video:

If you or someone you love find yourselves involved in a safety event that needs to be investigated you may find the information available on the Learn Together website helpful. Their resources and videos have been co-designed by a community of stakeholders including patients and their families and have been designed to provide you with the information and support you might need.

This Learn Together video and booklet explains what an investigation might involve. You can watch it here:

Learn Together - The Five Stages from jerry lampson on Vimeo.

Our formal policies and plans

The following documents set out our formal policy and plan for responding to Patient Safety Incidents.