Registered C-Card holders aged 16-24 can now order condoms online and get them delivered to their home or a collection site.
C-Card Devon & Torbay is a local scheme open to all young people aged 13-24. Once registered, C-Card holders who are over the age of 16 can also order free condoms online and get them delivered to their home or collection points, which include a number of schools, universities, colleges and youth clubs across the region.
Alison Wesley, Senior Nurse and C-Card lead at Devon Sexual Health said: “A Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is diagnosed in a young person every four minutes in England.* Condoms can help to protect against STIs, and are an extremely effective means of contraception.
“A C-Card empowers young people to take control of their sexual wellbeing and make more informed choices regarding contraception and sexual consent, and it’s great news that we can now offer online ordering of condoms through the Devon & Torbay C-Card scheme.
“We are keen to work with more venues, including youth clubs and pharmacies, to increase the number of places where young people can register for a C-Card and collect condoms. If you have a site which can support this important scheme, please see our website or call 01392 284965.”
More information about the C-Card scheme, including registration details and how to order condoms online, can be found here.