Just two weeks to go until our next Members' Event - speakers now confirmed!
13 Sep 2023
We’re pleased to confirm the featured speakers for our upcoming members’ event at Petroc College, Tiverton and online (MS Teams) on Wednesday 27 September from 1pm-6pm. All are welcome.
The Trust is working hard to recover waiting lists. In our talk and Q&A ‘How we are recovering our waiting lists’, you’ll hear an update from expert staff working on some of our biggest developments in this area.
- Chris Crow, Divisional Director for the NHS Nightingale Hospital Exeter, will be talking about knee and hip operations at the Nightingale
- Dr Elizabeth Wilkinson, Clinical Director for Transformation at the Trust, will be talking about the Centre of Excellence for Eyes at the Nightingale
We will then break out into focus groups to discuss the Trust’s work to recover waiting lists, before the formal Annual Members’ Meeting where the Board of Directors will present the Annual Report & Accounts 2022/23 and talk about the Trust’s performance over the previous financial year.
You’ll also be able to meet some of your Governors in person, to find out how they are representing you and to tell them about the healthcare issues that matter to you.
Take a look at our event page for full timings for the event and more information about our speakers.
Book your place
- Book your place online
- Or email rduh.royaldevonmembers@nhs.netor call 01392 403977
If you can’t make our event face to face, don’t worry. You can take part online instead.