Emotional wellbeing

Living with a long term health condition can be frustrating, tiring and worrying.

There are many challenges involved, especially when dealing with difficult or unpleasant symptoms, procedures or treatments. It’s understandable that this can cause people to feel down, stressed or just not their usual selves.

We know that people who have a long term health condition such as diabetes are more susceptible to experiencing low mood, anxiety and stress, or finding it difficult to cope with their usual daily activities, which can make it even harder to manage diabetes well.

At TALKWORKS we have a dedicated Talking Health Team, consisting of experienced practitioners, who can work with people to help them manage the emotional difficulties that often go hand in hand with experiencing a long term health condition.

TALKWORKS is a free NHS talking therapy service offering proven psychological treatments to help people across North Devon make changes that can help them live well with their long term health condition.

More information can be found at www.dpt.TALKWORKS.nhs.uk or download a TALKWORKS Leaflet.

Last updated: February 24, 2023


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