
What is Anatomy.TV?
Anatomy.TV by Primal Pictures offers the first medically accurate and flexible 3D digital tools for studying human anatomy and physiology. This interactive platform is designed for healthcare professionals and learners, featuring:
  • 3D Models: Users can rotate models and manipulate anatomical layers.
  • Educational Resources: Includes text, slides, and video clips.
  • Dynamic Learning: Engage with content through interactive images and videos.
  • Images: Access images for presentations and assignments.
  • Knowledge Testing: Take interactive quizzes to assess understanding.

How to access Anatomy.TV

  • Visit and click Log-In.
  • On the log-in page, select the OpenAthens option under ‘Log in with…'
  • Log in using your NHS OpenAthens username and password. If you don't yet have an NHS OpenAthens account, please register here.

Optional Personal Account: Please note that you can click ‘Create profile’ to link your OpenAthens account with a free Anatomy TV personal account. This means you can favourite the products you use most and pick-up where you last left off with recently viewed modules and content, so they can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device.

Using the Anatomy.TV app

Please find the following instructions on accessing the app from Primal Pictures support:

If you have access to the 3D Real-time or Anatomy Quiz modules then you can access them for free. Details on how to install are listed below.

1. Log in to on your phone/tablet browser as you normally would 

2. Click on the module you wish to download the app for (3D Real-time modules or the 3D Anatomy Quiz)

3. At the prompt, click ‘Install the app’

4. Return to in your browser and click the module again

5. At the prompt, click ‘Launch the app’

6. From this point on, you can go straight to the app to use it – you do not need to go via

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