Skin Analytics / AI Pathway Information

Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is partnering with AI provider Skin Analytic to help triage urgent skin cancer referrals into our service. Skin Analytics are an external company who are piloting their artificial intelligence tool called ‘DERM’ in the detection of skin cancer. Royal Devon are one of 8 other NHS Trusts across the country who are using the DERM tool in their skin cancer pathways to support with faster diagnosis and addressing growing demand on this service. The 12-month pilot will be commencing for some patients in August, shortly to be expanded to cover all eligible patients within Eastern and Northern Devon.

During the pilot patients referred via the two-week-wait pathway who meet the inclusion criteria will be invited to attend a photo hub appointment.  These photo hubs will be spread across the region to reduce patient’s distance to travel for their appointment.  During this appointment the patients’ lesion(s) will be photographed using the Skin Analytics device.  The AI algorithm will determine whether the lesion is benign (non-cancerous) or potentially cancerous. Patients whose lesions are confirmed as benign will be discharged.  All other patients will be triaged by a local consultant dermatologist and either offered a face to face appointment for assessment, listed directly for treatment, or discharged with advice.  Our hope is that this partnership will reduce pressure on our service to allow patients with cancerous lesions to be seen and treated on time.

You can find more information about what to expect if you are a patient on this pathway at the following link: Skin Analytics / AI Pathway Information 

Last updated: August 09, 2023


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