Teledermatology Advice and Referral service
The Dermatology department provides a teledermatology Advice and Guidance service for GPs called ‘Advice and Referral Teledermatology’.
This service allows your GP to get rapid specialist advice from a dermatologist to help support your care. For example, your GP may want to get specialist advice to help diagnose or treat your skin problem, or discuss the best place for you to be seen for further investigations or treatment.
Your GP can attach photos of your skin, as well as clinical information about your medical history. Skin photos can help the dermatology team to provide more accurate specialist advice, and book you directly into the right outpatient clinic or service if needed.
Your GP and the dermatology team will work together to decide if you should continue to be cared for by your GP or if you need to be seen in a dermatology clinic.
How does my GP contact the specialist?
The Advice and Referral Teledermatology service is provided through the secure NHS electronic referral Service (e-RS). This service is recommended for all dermatology referrals except urgent skin cancer referrals.
What happens next?
The dermatologist will contact your GP with advice on how to manage your care, or they will offer you a dermatology clinic appointment in the hospital or community
Your GP will let you know the outcome and the advice they have received. The hospital will contact you to arrange an appointment if a referral to a dermatology clinic is needed.
Information for patients
Your GP team may ask you to take photos of your skin problem yourself if possible.
This video can help patients take good skin photos.
Patient video: Taking photos of your skin and sending them securely to your GP
Your GP team can advise you how to send your photos securely through to the GP practice.
In many circumstances it is advisable to have your skin photos taken in the GP practice and your GP team will advise you when this is recommended.
Where to find us
RD&E Heavitree, Gladstone Rd, Exeter EX1 2ED
Department of Dermatology
Specialist community dermatology services for the area are based at Tiverton, Exmouth, and Sidmouth. They can manage a wide range of dermatology conditions. The services are run by GPs who also work alongside us in the dermatology department at Heavitree.
We also run consultant led community services at Barnstaple, Tiverton and Axminster.
Services and treatments
The teledermatology Advice and Guidance service can be used for adults and children with all skin conditions. The service is not used for patients requiring an urgent skin cancer referral.
Patient information leaflets
The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) have produced a number of patient information leaflets (PILs) to help you understand more about a particular skin condition.
They inform you what the condition is, what causes it, what can be done about it and where you can find out more information about it. Where possible, they advise you on what you can do yourself on a day-to-day basis to help with your skin condition.
For accessibility queries related to different formats including large print, please visit the British Association of Dermatologists Skinhealth website.
Information for healthcare professionals
We have a dedicated section of the website for guidance, referral information and other useful information for Healthcare Professionals.