Orthopaedic trauma team

Broken bones and injuries to joints are unfortunate consequences of the full and active lifestyle we all aspire to lead. Injuries can occur at any age, from the very young through to the very old. Most injuries can be managed simply with dressings, splints and pain killers. Others require physiotherapy and sometimes surgery.

Our surgical team carries out a range of procedures to manage bone and joint injuries, with the aim of returning patients to their feet and back to normal life as soon as possible.

Information and about us

We are based in Wonford and you are most likely to come across us either in the Emergency Department or Fracture Clinic.

We work closely with Emergency Department, Minor Injury Units, musculoskeletal radiologists (medical imaging doctors), as well as specialist physiotherapists to help our patients with their initial injury management, defintive treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.

Contact us

To get in touch with the trauma team, please contact us on 01392 411611.

Where to find us

RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW

Fracture Clinic, Level 1

If you are booked for an operation, please follow the instructions given to you by our team of Trauma Nurse Practitioners

Last updated: January 20, 2023


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