Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, but with the treatments available there is a very good chance of recovery, particularly if it is detected at an early stage.

Women are advised to check their breasts regularly for any changes and to see their GP promptly if they are concerned. Men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer but this is much less common.

We also encourage you to attend your local screening appointments between the ages of 50 – 70 years.

Our Breast Care Team offer screening services and treatment for breast cancer and any other benign (non-cancerous) breast problems.

Screening assessments may include the use of mammograms, ultrasound and MRI as well as other diagnostic services. Treatment may involve a wide range of breast surgery, including routine breast operations, oncoplastic surgery (cancer surgery using plastic surgery techniques) and breast reconstruction procedures.

Breast screening service

Your local breast screening service is provided by InHealth, a private medical company which works closely with the NHS. Women over the age of 70 are not routinely invited for screening but can request a mammogram by contacting the breast screening unit directly.

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Contact us

Northern Services

North Devon District Hospital 

Main switchboard on 01271 322577

Eastern Services

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford) 

Main switchboard on 01392 411611

If you have a surgical outpatient appointment and need to change it please contact our booking office on 01392 406992 stating your NHS number.

For other surgical related queries please contact your consultant surgeon’s secretary via the hospital switchboard on: 01392 411611

Breast Care Unit queries regarding booked mammograms, ultrasound scans and biopsies please call: 01392 402478 8.30am – 5pm

Breast Care Nursing Service: messages taken Monday – Friday, 8.30 - 4pm, call 01392 402707

Oncology appointment queries - 01392 406181

Radiotherapy appointment queries - 01392 402115

Where will I be seen?

Your healthcare professional will advise where your appointment will take place. The majority of appointments will take place at one of our outpatient clinics situated within our main hospital sites.

Mammography and ultrasound are available at both of our main acute hospitals, but breast MRI takes place solely at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford). The Wonford site also has further options for certain types of surgery, but your consultant will discuss this in more detail with you. 


Northern Services

North Devon District Hospital
Raleigh Park
EX31 4JB


Eastern services

RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW

Clinics are held in General Outpatients on Level 1, which is accessible via the RD&E Hospital entrance and opposite our main reception.

Imaging is carried out in the Breast Care Unit: Level 2, Area N

Breast Care Nursing service based in the Breast Care Unit: Level 2, Area N


  • New Patient/ Fast Track Clinics daily Monday – Friday
  • Surgical Results Clinics Daily Monday – Friday
  • Family History Clinics weekly (Heavitree Hospital)
  • Oncology Clinics Daily Monday – Friday
  • Nurse Led Pre and Post Mastectomy Clinics organised on an individual patient basis
  • Nurse Led Breast Reconstruction Clinics

Meet our team

Our dedicated team is made up of surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, breast clinical nurse specialists, breast reconstruction clinical nurse specialist and radiographers.

  • David Hwang
  • Anne McCormack
  • Chris Hamilton
  • Mo Varughese
  • Jenny Forrest
  • Juliette Hamilton
  • Peter Stephens
  • Cleo Solomon

Eastern services

Patients will be seen initially by one of our Breast Consultants or specialist breast doctors:

  • Douglas Ferguson, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Julie Dunn, Consultant Breast Surgeon
  • Sisse Olsen, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Rachel Tillett, Consultant Plastic and Breast Surgeon
  • Charlotte Ives, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
  • Di Cameron, Trust Breast Physician
  • Tanvir Ahmad, Trust Breast Specialist Registrar

If the doctor feels that imaging is needed, they will refer patients to the breast care radiology team:

  • Russell Davies, Consultant Breast Radiologist
  • Rachael Currie, Consultant Breast and General Radiologist
  • Simon Ewart ,Consultant Breast Radiologist
  • Sarah Knightley, Consultant Breast Radiographer

If you need to see a Breast Care Nurse Specialist – the Breast Care Nursing Service is based at the RD&E (Wonford):

  • Gill Gray, Lead Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Sue Avery, Breast Reconstruction Nurse Specialist
  • Katherine Bonnin, Secondary Breast Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Dawn Peters ,Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Mary Allen, Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Sara Green, Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Amanda Green, Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Liz Powe, Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Alice Osigli, Breast Care Nurse Specialist
  • Sam Headon, Breast Care Nurse Specialist

Services and treatments

A breast cancer diagnosis covers a wide spectrum, ranging from non-invasive conditions such as DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in situ) to invasive breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer Now website and Macmillan website explain more about the different types of treatments offered.

You can also find out more about the different types of treatment by visiting the NHS website. 

This includes:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone treatment
  • Targeted therapy

Clinical trials

We are actively involved in clinical trials and we are keen to involve patients wherever we can. Clinical research enables new treatments to be developed and can improve healthcare for all patients (we offer a range of different types of research that provide evidence for new approaches that are safe and effective).

We work closely with your medical team and if appropriate you will be approached and offered participation in any clinical trials that are currently open, these can be local, national or international trials.

You will be given written information and the opportunity to discuss further with a research nurse. For further information please ask your medical team what opportunities for research are available if it is important to you.

If you choose not to be involved in any clinical trials discussed this does not affect your care or the treatment you are offered.

Supporting you

Having cancer can have an impact on every aspect of your life and on those around you. We understand that this is a difficult and often frightening time for you and your loved ones, which is why we have put together a wide range of information to help you live with and beyond cancer.

Some of these services are available locally, whilst others cover Devon and/or the South West Peninsula as a whole. 

Find out more

Patient information leaflets

We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.

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Useful videos

We have a wide range of videos which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital. 

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