Paediatric cancer (children's cancer services)
Our children's cancer service is highly specialised. Our doctors and nurses look after patients and their families throughout the diagnosis and treatment of childhood and teenage cancer.
We aim to provide safe and effective treatment with as little disruption as possible to normal life. We understand that dealing with a cancer diagnosis can be devastating but we are here to offer support, advice and follow up care for our young patients and their families. We are a designated centre for Teenage and Young Adults (TYA) with cancer.
Information and about us
Children suspected of having cancer need a variety of health professionals to diagnose and treat their conditions.
Our service works with departments across the Trust, as well as other hospitals to provide the best possible care for your child. The clinical nurse specialists will offer home and school visits to meet the medical, educational and social needs of the child and family. When appropriate, we work with other professionals, including our children’s community nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social care, to support for families. alongside this, we have visiting consultant clinics from Bristol Children’s Hospital.
We offer chemotherapy and supportive care, as well as long-term follow-up, for patients in North, South, East and Mid Devon. Your child's doctor will explain to you which treatment, or combination of treatments are appropriate for your child. When appropriate, we work with other professionals, including our children’s community nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social care, to support for families.
Where to find us
Depending on your appointment, you may be seen at one of our main hospital sites, at a community hospital, or in a specific community setting. Some specialties and treatment options are based solely at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford), such as radiotherapy and some types of surgery.
We have visiting consultant clinics from Bristol Children’s Hospital. We hold joint clinics with other specialities, as well as transitional clinics for patients moving into adult care.
Eastern services
RD&E Wonford, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW.
- Childrens Outpatient Department, Level 1, Area J.
- Bramble Childrens Ward, Level 1, Area H.
- Exeter Neonatal Unit, Centre for Women's Health, Level 2.
Northern services
North Devon District Hospital, Raleigh Park, Barnstaple, Devon, EX31 4JB.
- Children's Outpatient Department: Level 2
- Caroline Thorpe Ward: Ladywell Unit, Level 2
- Special Care Unit, Caroline Thorpe Ward, LadywellUnit, Level 2
The clinical nurse specialists will offer home and school visits to meet the medical, educational and social needs of the child and family.
When appropriate, we work with other professionals, including our children’s community nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social care, to support for families.
Contact us
Eastern Services
01392 402684 / 403694 (secretary)
Clinical nurses specialists
Clinical nurses specialist are available Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm
Paediatric Clinical Nurse Specialists in Exeter: 01392 402685
Jenny Birch covers North Devon: 07767 308469
Paediatric Oncology Social Worker
Heather Rake (Monday – Wednesday): 01392 402683
(CLIC Sargent - the UK's leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families)
Paediatric Dietician
01392 406063
Devon Hospital School
01392 402675
Northern Services
North Devon District Hospital
Main switchboard on 01271 322577
Meet the team
Our core team is made up of two consultants, one doctor and four clinical nurse specialists based in Exeter and one clinical nurse specialist based in North Devon. We also have a social worker from CLIC Sargent, the UK's leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families.
- Dr Corinne Hayes
- Dr Simon Parke
- Dr Rachel Wajed (staff grade)
Clinical nurse specialists
- Louise Taylor
- Ali Tierney
- Janine Roberts
- Jen Williams
Our wider team includes:
Paediatric Oncology Social Worker (CLIC Sargent): Heather Rake (Monday – Wednesday)
Clinical Psychologist: Nicola Hirsch
Paediatric Dietician
Hospital School Teachers: Head - Julia Allen, teachers - Paul Melling, Jane Adcock, Lorraine Hooper
Services and treatments
There are a number of treatment options available.
The most common are:
- surgery, which aims to remove the tumour during an operation;
- chemotherapy, which uses anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells;
- radiotherapy, which uses radiation to destroy cancer cells;
- stem cell transplants, which involves higher doses of chemotherapy, followed by an infusion of stem cells;
- immunotherapy, which involves having specific drugs that target particular cancer cells;
- targeted therapy, which involves special drugs that target proteins and genes in cancer cells.
Your child's doctor will explain to you which treatment, or combination of treatments are appropriate for your child.
Supporting you
We understand how difficult a cancer diagnosis is for you and your family. As a team we will support you and guide you to appropriate resources.
Heather Rake (ClicSargent social worker) will contact you to provide practical and emotional support.
Alongside our Clinical Psychologist we are able to make referrals to FORCE who are a Cancer Support and Information Centre in Exeter for patients and their loved ones who need physical, emotional, psychological and practical support. Contact: 01392 406151.
More support
If you are feeling down, stressed or anxious about anything, there are a number of websites and apps that can provide information, advice, and support.
Devon SEND Local Offer
What is the SEND Local Offer?
Devon’s SEND Local Offer is the education, health and social care services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25.
Information for healthcare professionals
For any referrals please contact Jo Fuery and she will guide you through the correct process: 01392 402684 / 403694.
Patient information leaflets
We produce a wide range of leaflets which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.
We also produce these in different formats including large print, please contact the department you are visiting for more information.
Useful videos
We have a wide range of videos which provide information about our services and about the treatment you might receive in our clinics or during your stay in hospital.