Reflecting our ‘low’ Trust COVID status, from today, Wednesday 19 April 2023, we will be easing visitor restrictions across our Eastern services.
Visiting restrictions were eased across our Northern services earlier this year, which means that across our whole Trust, the following is in place:
Adult inpatients
Open visiting 7 days a week 10am-8pm
Critical care visiting 11am-8pm (rest period 1pm-2pm)
There should be no more than two visitors/support people visiting/accompanying unless in exceptional circumstances
Revert to normal visiting – two visitors at a bedside at any one-time (excluding parents/carers) and siblings can visit
Parents can visit 24/7 and other visitors can visit 12pm-7.30pm
On our labour wards, two birth partners can be with the woman/person in labour 24/7
On our wards – one person can visit between 9am-8pm and two people 3pm-6pm
Outpatients can have one adult visitor and siblings
Community can have one adult and siblings
Patients can have one adult visitor attend a scan appointment with them
Neo-natal unit
Unrestricted access for parents and siblings
Visiting for anyone other than parents, siblings or support person between 2-8pm
Outpatients and day treatment units, ED
Patients may be accompanied by two people where appropriate and necessary to assist their communication and/or to meet their health, care, emotional, religious, or spiritual care needs
There should be no more than two visitors/support people visiting/accompanying unless in exceptional circumstances