Welcome to the Library

Welcome to the Library

Welcome to the Library - or, as we're officially known, RDUH Knowledge and Library Services. We're here to support you with access to resources for clinical and non-clinical needs, for CPD and work projects, for research and practice, including leadership and management, and health and wellbeing. This page has all the info and links you need to get you registered with the library and all our resources.

You have access to two libraries - one on Level 1 at North Devon District Hospital and one on Level 2 of the RILD building at the RD&E Wonford site. Both libraries have:

  • RDUH networked PCs
  • Wifi
  • Private study pods
  • 24/7 access 
  • Physical book collections covering medicine, health, nursing, health and wellbeing and more

The RDUH library service is part of a huge network of NHS libraries in the South West called SWIMS. This means we don't just have access to the books we have on our shelves, but we can also request tens of thousands to be delivered to either library site for you to collect, or to be delivered to your workplace.

The majority of the resources you can access are online. To access these you need an NHS OpenAthens account. Everyone who works for the NHS or a partner organisation is entitled to an account - just use your NHS email address and select 'Royal Devon University Healthcare' as your organisation and access should be immediate.

Once you have your NHS OpenAthens account set up, you are free to explore all the e-resources available. This includes:

The easiest way to do this is via the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub - not to be confused with the RDUH intranet HUB!

We offer many more services including a comprehensive literature searching service and information skills training. To learn more about these click below to search the rest of our website

We welcome your enquiries. Please contact us for more information about any of our services and resources. 

Last updated: September 03, 2024.